{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1904
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Oct 09 On this day in history birth of carl Parrish, composer
Oct 09 J Dito, Dutch dominican/broadcast chairman (KRO, 1938-45) was born on this day in history.
Oct 09 In the year 1904 birth of wally Brown, Malden MA, actor (Zombies on Broadway, Girl Rush)
Oct 12 Ding Ling, Chinese writer (d. 1986) was born in the year 1904.
Oct 12 On this day in history birth of lester Dent, American writer (d. 1959)
Oct 13 On this day in history birth of jutta Hecker, writer
Oct 13 Wilfred Pickles, Halifax England, actor (Billy Liar, Gay Dog) was born on this day in history.
Oct 14 Karel Srom, composer was born in the year 1904.
Oct 15 Julian Hodge, British financier/multi-millionaire (Hodge Group) was born in the year 1904.
Oct 18 On this day in history birth of a. J. Liebling, American journalist (d. 1963)
Oct 20 Anna Neagle, London Engld, actress (London Melody, Nurse Edith Cavell) was born on this day in history.
Oct 20 In the year 1904 birth of tommy Clement Douglas, Canadian politician (d. 1986)
Oct 21 Edmond [Moore] Hamilton, US, sci-fi author (Danger Planet) was born on this day in history.
Oct 21 In the year 1904 birth of patrick Kavanagh, Irish poet (d. 1967)
Oct 22 Paul Arma, composer was born on this day in history.
Oct 23 On this day in history birth of harvey Penick, American golfer (d. 1995)
Oct 24 In the year 1904 birth of moss Hart, Bronx NY, playwright (You Can't Take it With You, Act 1)
Oct 27 Erno Schwarz, Hungarian American soccer player (d. 1974) was born in the year 1904.
Oct 28 On this day in history birth of louis de Meester, composer
Oct 30 On this day in history birth of alfred Gradstein, composer
Oct 30 Paul D Stoop, US vice-admiral (WW II-Coral Sea) was born on this day in history.
Nov 01 On this day in history birth of laura Laplante, St Louis MO, actress (Cat & Canary)
Nov 03 On this day in history birth of gideon Fagan, composer
Nov 03 In the year 1904 birth of janis Kalnins, composer
Nov 04 Don Alvarado, [Jose Page], Albuquerque NM, actor (Captain Thunder) was born on this day in history.
Nov 04 Tadeusz Żyliński, Polish technician and textilist (d. 1967) was born in the year 1904.
Nov 04 Walter Bauer, writer was born in the year 1904.
Nov 05 Cooney Weiland, Canadian hockey player (d. 1985) was born on this day in history.
Nov 06 In the year 1904 birth of selena Royale, NYC, actress (Date With Judy, Misleading Lady)
Nov 08 In the year 1904 birth of cedric Belfrage English-born writer (d. 1990)
Nov 09 Viktor Brack, Nazi physician (d. 1948) was born on this day in history.
Nov 10 In the year 1904 birth of steven Geray, Uzhored Czechoslovakia, actor (French Line)
Nov 11 Alger Hiss, State Department official hid papers in a pumpkin was born in the year 1904.
Nov 11 On this day in history birth of j. H. C. Whitehead, British mathematician (d. 1960)
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