Famous Deaths Happened In 1809
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 04 Bartolomeo Giacometti, composer, dies at 67 in the year 1809.
Jan 16 John Moore, British general (b. 1761) died in the year 1809.
Jan 21 Josiah Hornblower, American statesman (b. 1729) died on this day in history.
Feb 20 On this day in history johann Joseph Emmert, composer, dies at 76
Mar 07 Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, Austrian composer, dies at 73 in the year 1809.
Mar 23 Ferdinand-Philippe-Joseph Staes, composer, dies at 60 in the year 1809.
Mar 26 Gabriele Mario Piozzi, composer, dies at 68 on this day in history.
Mar 27 On this day in history joseph M Vien, French (court)painter/etcher, dies at 92
May 08 Augustin Pajou, French sculptor (Bachante), dies at 78 on this day in history.
May 17 In the year 1809 leopold Auenbrugger von Auenbrugg, physician, dies
May 30 On this day in history johan B Scheffer, portrait painter, dies at about 43
May 31 In the year 1809 ferdinand von Schill, Prussian officer/rebel, dies in battle at 33
Jun 03 In the year 1809 john "Christmas" Beckwith, composer, dies at 58
Jun 04 In the year 1809 nicolai Arbraham Abildgaard, Danish painter/architect, dies at 65
Jun 08 Thomas Paine, writer (Age of Reason, Common Sense), dies at 72 in the year 1809.
Jul 03 Joseph Quesne, composer, dies at 62 on this day in history.
Jul 06 Antoine Charles Louis Lasalle, French cavalry general (b. 1775) died on this day in history.
Jul 24 On this day in history johann Gottfried Eckard, composer, dies at 74
Aug 12 Mikhail Kamensky, Russian field marshal (b. 1738) died in the year 1809.
Aug 18 On this day in history death of matthew Boulton, English manufacturer and engineer (b. 1728)
Aug 30 In the year 1809 ignacy Potocki, Polish Foreign Minister (constitution), dies
Sep 07 In the year 1809 caroline von Schelling, [Michaelis], German author, dies at 46
Sep 21 Alexander Reinagle, composer, dies at 53 on this day in history.
Oct 02 Wybo Fijnje, politician/patriot/journalist, dies at 59 on this day in history.
Oct 08 On this day in history death of james Elphinston, Scottish philologist (b. 1721)
Oct 11 In the year 1809 death of meriwether Lewis, (Lewis & Clark Expedition), commits suicide at 35
Oct 30 On this day in history death of william Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b. 1738)
Nov 09 In the year 1809 death of paul Sandby, English cartographer (b. 1725)
Nov 26 Nicolas-Marie Dalayrac, composer, dies at 56 on this day in history.
Dec 16 In the year 1809 death of antoine François, comte de Fourcroy, French chemist (b. 1755)
Dec 31 In the year 1809 franz Ignaz Beck, composer, dies at 75