Page 5: Quotations Page With 'A'
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
We hardly find any person of good sense save those who agree with us.
- Rochefoucauld -
Agreed to differ.
- Robert Southey, Life of Wesley -
And seem to walk on wings and trend in air.
- Alexander Pope -
Holla your name to the reverberate hills,And make the babbling gossip of the air.Cry out.
- William Shakespeare -
Where they (birds) most breed and haunt, I have observed.The air is delicate.
- William Shakespeare -
Dost thou think, because thou are virtuous,there shall be no more cakes and ale ?
- William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night -
Back and side go bare, go bare;Both foot and hand go cold;But belly, God send thee good ale enough,Whether it be new or old.
- John Still, Grammer Gurto i's Needle -
Then to the spicy nut-brown ale
- John Milton -
I would give all my fame for a pot of ale and safety.
- William Shakespeare -
All-powerful Ale ! whose sorrow - seething sweets.
Oft I repeat in vacant afternoon.
- Thomas Warton -
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of creation,The merciful, the Compassionate.Ruler of the Day of JudgementHelp us, lead us in the path.
- Mohamed, Koran -
Allegories are fine ornaments and good illustrations, but no proof.
- Luther -
Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations entangling alliance with one.
- Jefferson, First Inaugural Address -
Of all the girls that are so smart,There's none like pretty Sally,She is the darling of my heart,And she lives in our alley.
- Henry Carey -
Begot by butchers, beggars bred.Howe high his Honour hold his haughty head.
- Anon -
He never errs who sacrifices self.
- Lord Lyntton : New Timon -
An ambassador is an honest man sent to lie and intrigue abroad for the benifit of his country.
- Sir H.Wotton -
Cromwell, I charge thee , fling away ambition;By that sin fell the angels.
- Shakespeare : Henry VIII -
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