Page 9: Quotations Page With 'C'
Thursday, 06 March 2025
O, the more angle sheAnd you the blacker devil!
- Butler-Hudibras -
Do I Contradict myself ?Very well, then I contradict myself.
- Walt Whitmen-Song of Myself -
Assertion is not argument, to contradict the statement of an opponent is not proof that your are correct.
- Johnson -
There is consolation in the fact that the controversies and in taking mineral waters, it is the after-effects that are real effects.
- Shakespeare, Dialogue on Religion -
Silence is one great art of conversation.
- Hazlitt -
Conversation is the laboratory and workshop of the student.
- Emerson -
Silence and modesty are very valuable qualities in conversation.
- Montaique -
There is only one antidote coquetry and that is true love.
- Madam Dehuzy -
O that estate, degrees, and offices were not purchased by the meritof the water!
- Shakespeare -
I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.
- Scorates (Quoted by Plutarch) -
The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
- R.G.Ingersoll, The Declaration of Independence -
A man of courage is also full faith.
- Cicero -
Life is never so short, but there is always time for courtesy .
- Emerson -
A court is an assemblage of noble and distinguished beggars.
- Tallyrand -
She half consents, who silently denies.
- Ovid -
Refrain from covetousness and the estate shall prosper.
- Plato -
Desire of having is the sin of covetousness.
- Shakespeare -
Cowards die many times before their death;The valiant never tastes death but once.
- Shakespeare, Julius Caesar -
The coward never on himself relies,But to an equal for assistance flies.
- George Grable, Tole in Verse -
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