Page 5: Quotations Page With 'I'
Wednesday, 05 February 2025
It is a principle of human nature to hate those whom you have injured.
- Tautus -
No man is hurt by himself.
- Diogenes -
Unjust rule never endures perpetually.
- Senea, Medea -
The most complete injustice is to seem just, when not so.
- Plato, Republic -
A drop of ink may make a million think.
- Byron -
My ways are as broad as the king's high road, and my means lie in an inkstand.
- Southy -
Innocence under an evil Government must ever rejoice on the scaffold.
- M. Gandhi -
They that know no evil will suspect none.
- Ben Johnson -
There is no courage but in innocence.No constancy but in an honest cause.
- T.Southern, Fate of Capua -
Striving to better, oft we mar what's well.
- Shakespeare -
Avoid a person who ask questions, for such a man is a talker : nor will open ears keep faithfully the things entrusted to them.
- Horace -
All power of fancy over reason is a degree of insanity.Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.
- Shakespeare -
No one who holds himself aloof form the activities of the world and who is insensitive to its woes can be really wise.
- S. Radhakrishnan, Great Indians -
Nothing is more disgraceful than insincerity.
- Cicero -
The hearts of old gave hands :But our new heraldry is ..... hands not hearts.
- Shakespeare, Othelo -
Great thoughts, great feeling come to him, like instincts, unawares.
- Lord Boughtod -
There is God within us, and we glow when He stirs us.
- Ovide, Fast -
No man was ever great without a touch divine afflatus.
- Cicero -
He who begins many things finishes nothing..
- C. Simmon -
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