Historical Events In 1106
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Apr 06 On this day in history fire in Venice
May 13 On this day in history henry I of Limburg becomes duke of Neth-Lutherans
Aug 07 Henry IV, Roman German king/emperor (1056/84-1105), dies at 54 in the year 1106.
Aug 11 On this day in history henry IV escapes his captors at Ingelheim, enters into negotiations at Cologne with English, French, and Danish supporters, begins to collect an army to oppose his treacherous son, but dies August 7 at age 54
Aug 23 Magnus, Duke of Saxony on this day in history.
Sep 28 On this day in history battle at Tinchebrai: English King Henry I beats his brother Robert
Sep 28 In the year 1106 the Battle of Tinchebrai ends in defeat for Normandy's Robert Curthose at the hands of England's Henry I who has crossed the Channel and who takes his brother home in chains