Historical Events In 1754
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 04 Columbia University founded, as Kings College (New York City NY) in the year 1754.
Jan 04 On this day in history columbia University founded, as Kings College (NYC)
Jan 10 Daniel Raap, Dutch porcelain salesman/politician, dies at about 51 in the year 1754.
Jan 15 Riot at burial of doelist Daniel Raap in Amsterdam on this day in history.
Jan 28 Horace Walpole, in a letter to Horace Mann, coins the word serendipity in the year 1754.
Jan 28 In the year 1754 ludvig Holberg, Danish lawyer/writer (Hendrig og Pernille), dies at 69
Feb 05 In the year 1754 nicolaas S Cruquius, hydraulic engineer, (Haarlemmermeer), dies at 75
Feb 16 In the year 1754 richard Mead, physician, dies
Feb 17 On this day in history jan Jachym Kopriva, composer
Feb 19 Vincenzo Monti, Italian poet/translator (Al Signor di Montgolfier) on this day in history.
Mar 04 In the year 1754 benjamin Waterhouse, physician (smallpox vaccine pioneer)
Mar 06 Henry Pelham, English premier (1745, 46-54), Gin Act, dies at about 57 in the year 1754.
Mar 08 Don Jose de Carvajal bon Lancaster, Sp min of Foreign affairs, dies on this day in history.
Mar 08 In the year 1754 marquis of Ensenada becomes premier of Spain
Mar 15 In the year 1754 silvestro Palma, composer
Mar 18 Duke of Newcastle becomes English premier in the year 1754.
Apr 09 Antonio Frantisek Becvarovsky, composer in the year 1754.
Apr 09 In the year 1754 christian von Wolff, German philosopher, dies at 75
May 02 Vicente Martin y Soler, composer in the year 1754.
May 09 In the year 1754 1st newspaper cartoon in America-divided snake "Join or Die"
May 09 On this day in history first newspaper cartoon in America-divided snake "Join or die"
May 10 In the year 1754 asmus Jakob Carstens, painter
May 12 On this day in history franz Anton Hoffmeister, composer
May 15 In the year 1754 pierre Dutillieu, composer
May 16 In the year 1754 giovanni Carlo Maria Clari, composer, dies at 76
May 20 Hans Gram, composer on this day in history.
May 23 Andrea Appiana, Italian royal painter (Napoleon) in the year 1754.
May 23 In the year 1754 john Wood, architect/town planner, dies
May 24 In the year 1754 giacomo Conti, composer
May 28 George Washington defeats French & Indians at Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh) in the year 1754.
May 28 George Washington defeats French & indians at Ft Duquesne (Pitts) in the year 1754.
Jun 07 Nikolaj Eigtved, Danish, architect (Amalienborg Square), dies at 52 in the year 1754.
Jun 19 On this day in history albany Congress held by 7 British colonies & Iroquois indians
Jun 19 Albany Congress held by 7 British colonies &Iroquois indians in the year 1754.
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