Historical Events In 1763
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 02 On this day in history john Casteret earl Granville, English premier, dies at 72
Jan 03 Joseph Fesch, French cardinal/war commission/earl/senator on this day in history.
Jan 20 Theobald Wolfe Tone, Irish patriot in the year 1763.
Jan 26 Charles XIV, French marshall, king of Sweden & Norway (1818-44) on this day in history.
Jan 27 On this day in history john Theodor of Bavaria, prince-bishop of Liege/cardinal, dies
Jan 29 J G Seume, writer in the year 1763.
Feb 01 On this day in history thomas Campbell, founder (Church of Disciples in America)
Feb 03 Caroline von Wolzogen, [von Lengefeld], German author on this day in history.
Feb 10 The French and Indian War ends with signing of the Treaty of Paris. As part of the treaty, Canada is ceded to England by the French in the year 1763.
Feb 10 In the year 1763 the Peace of Paris ceedes Canada to Britain
Feb 10 In the year 1763 the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763 ending the French and Indian War.
Feb 10 Treaty of Paris ends French-Indian War, surrendering Canada to England on this day in history.
Feb 12 On this day in history john Casteret appointed British minister of foreign affairs
Feb 15 In the year 1763 austria, Prussia & Saxony sign Peace of Hubertusburg
Feb 19 Adalbert Gyrowetz, composer in the year 1763.
Feb 20 Adalbert Gyrowetz, composer in the year 1763.
Mar 06 On this day in history jean Xavier Lefevre, composer
Mar 21 In the year 1763 jean Paul, writer
Apr 02 In the year 1763 giacomo Gotifredo Ferrari, composer
Apr 07 In the year 1763 domenico Dragonetti, composer
Apr 30 On this day in history london Journalist John Wilkes confined in the Tower
May 01 Smallpox in North America, present-day Pittsburgh area on this day in history.
May 04 On this day in history franz Stanislaus Spindler, composer
May 07 In the year 1763 josef Poniatovski, Polish general/marshal of France
May 08 On this day in history john Goldberg, Dutch patriot/statesman
May 16 James Boswell's 1st meeting with Samuel Johnson in the year 1763.
May 16 On this day in history louis-Nicolas Vauquelin, chemist (discovered chromium, beryllium)
May 16 On this day in history samuel Johnson meets his future biographer James Boswell in London
Jun 01 On this day in history christian Gottlob Saupe, composer
Jun 01 Johann Caspar Vogler, composer, dies at 67 on this day in history.
Jun 02 On this day in history pontiac's Rebellion: At what is now Mackinaw City, Michigan, Chippewas capture Fort Michilimackinac by diverting the garrison's attention with a game of lacrosse, then chasing a ball into the fort.
Jun 04 Mackinaw Michigan, Chippewas captured Fort Michilimackinac by diverting the garrison's attention with a game of lacrosse, then chasing a ball into the fort in the year 1763.
Jun 13 Jose B de Andrada e Silva, premier of Brazil in the year 1763.
Jun 14 Johannes Simon Mayr, composer on this day in history.
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