0783 On this day in history bertha "with the great feet", wife of French king Pippin III, dies 

1073 Johannes Gualbertus, Italian monk/saint, dies on this day in history. 

1429 On this day in history john [Jean C] Gerson, Fren theologist (Theologica mystic), dies at 65 

1441 Death of Ashikaga Yoshinori, Japanese shogun (b. 1394) on this day in history. 

1450 Death of Jack Cade, slain in a revolt against British King Henry VI on this day in history. 

1536 On this day in history desiderius Erasmus, humanist/priest (Novum instrumentum omne), dies 

1545 On this day in history maria Manuela van Portugal, niece of Spanish king Philip II, dies 

1575 On this day in history renée/Renata de France, duchess of Ferara/daughter of Louis XII, dies