Historical Events In 1896
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 01 In the year 1896 wilhelm Röntgen announces his discovery of x-rays
Jan 02 On this day in history battle at Doornkop, South Africa (Boers beat Dr Jamesons troops)
Jan 02 In the year 1896 dziga Vertiv, [Denis A Kaufman], Russian director (Sjagai, Soviet!)
Jan 03 In the year 1896 emperor Wilhelm congratulates Pres Kruger on the Jameson Raid
Jan 03 On this day in history emperor Wilhelm congratulates President Kruger on the Jameson Raid
Jan 04 AFL charters Actors' National Protective Union, NYC in the year 1896.
Jan 04 In the year 1896 following Mormon abandonment of polygamy, Utah admitted as 45th state
Jan 04 On this day in history seven members of Prime Minister Mackenzie Bowell's cabinet resign over the Manitoba Schools Question.
Jan 04 Utah is admitted to the Union as the 45th state in the year 1896.
Jan 05 German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen's discovers x-rays in the year 1896.
Jan 05 In the year 1896 hendrik Algra, Dutch MP (ARP)
Jan 06 1st US women's 6-day bicycle race starts, Madison Square Garden on this day in history.
Jan 06 Abram N Pritzker, US businessman (Hyatt Hotels, McCall's magazine) in the year 1896.
Jan 06 Cecil Rhodes resigns as premier of Cape colony on this day in history.
Jan 06 In the year 1896 the first US women's 6-day bicycle race starts, Madison Square Garden
Jan 07 On this day in history arnold Ridley, Bath England, actor/dramatist (The Ghost Train)
Jan 07 In the year 1896 fanny Farmer publishes her 1st cookbook
Jan 07 On this day in history fanny Farmer publishes her first cookbook
Jan 08 On this day in history jaromir Weinberger, Prague Czechoslovakia, composer (Bird's Opera)
Jan 11 Eva Le Gallienne, London England, actress/director (Resurrection) in the year 1896.
Jan 12 1st X-ray photo in US (Dr Henry Smith, Davidson NC) on this day in history.
Jan 12 In the year 1896 rex Ingram, Ireland, actor/director (Elmer Gantry, God's Little Acre)
Jan 12 The first X-ray photo in US (Dr Henry Smith, Davidson NC) on this day in history.
Jan 14 John dos Passos, novelist (1919, Big Money, 42nd Parallel) in the year 1896.
Jan 15 Henry Arthur Jones' "Michael & his Lost Angel," premieres in London in the year 1896.
Jan 15 On this day in history jacobo Ficher, composer
Jan 15 Matthew B Brady, US photographer (Civil War), dies at about 72 on this day in history.
Jan 16 Defeat of Cymru Fydd at South Wales Liberal Federation AGM, Newport, Monmouthshire on this day in history.
Jan 17 Harry Reser, Ohio, orch leader (Sammy Kaye Show) in the year 1896.
Jan 18 In the year 1896 1st demonstration of an X-ray machine in US (NYC)
Jan 18 British troops occupy Kumasi, West Africa in the year 1896.
Jan 18 In the year 1896 hans H Holm, Norwegian poet (Jonsoknatt)
Jan 18 On this day in history the first demonstration of an x-ray machine in the US, New York City NY
Jan 20 On this day in history elmer R Diktonius, Finnish musicologist/author (Janne Kubik)
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