0337 Constantine, Emperor of Rome, dies at 47 on this day in history.
1322 Death of Thomas, 2nd Earl of Lancaster, English politician (b. 1278) on this day in history.
1418 Death of Dietrich of Nieheim, German historian on this day in history.
1421 On this day in history death of thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence, second son of Henry IV of England (killed in battle) (b. 1388)
1471 On this day in history george van Podiebrad, king of Bohemia (1458-71), dies
1544 Death of Johannes Magnus, last Catholic Archbishop of Sweden (b. 1488) on this day in history.
1589 Lodovico Guicciardini, Ital historian, dies at 67 on this day in history.
1602 On this day in history death of agostino Carracci, Italian artist (b. 1557)