Historical Events In 1747
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 10 Abraham L Breguet, French clock maker in the year 1747.
Jan 19 Johann Bode, "discoverer" of Bode's Law, dies in the year 1747.
Jan 31 On this day in history grand Pre, Nova Scotia Arthur Noble d1747 British commander at Grand Pre surprised by Villiers; loses 500 men
Jan 31 In the year 1747 the first venereal diseases clinic opens at London Lock Hospital.
Feb 01 On this day in history jacobus E J Capitein, Dutch slave/vicar/merchant, dies
Feb 04 In the year 1747 tadeusz Kosciusko, Poland, patriot, (NY Bridge)
Feb 11 In the year 1747 claude de Ramezay and a group of Acadian guides attack the British position at Grand Pré
Feb 17 On this day in history narciso Casanovas, composer
Feb 28 In the year 1747 justin Morgan, composer
Mar 03 On this day in history kasamir Pulaski, US general (Revolutionary War)
Mar 04 On this day in history casimir Pulaski, Count/American Revolutionary War general
Mar 09 In the year 1747 jacob Campo Weyerman, S Neth adventurer/painter/writer, dies at 69
Mar 19 Quebec Quebec, Jacques-Pierre de Taffanel de La Jonquiere 1685-1752 appointed Governor of New France in the year 1747.
Mar 31 In the year 1747 johann A P Schulz, German composer
Apr 02 Johann J Dillenius, German botanist, dies at 63 on this day in history.
Apr 09 Lord Lovat, English jacobiet, dies in the year 1747.
Apr 17 On this day in history french troops occupy Zeeuws-Flanders, Netherlands
Apr 23 In the year 1747 alexandre-Auguste Robineau, composer
Apr 25 Prince Willem V appointed viceroy of Zealand in the year 1747.
May 01 Measles in Thirteen Colonies on this day in history.
May 03 Willem IV appointed viceroy of Holland/Utrecht on this day in history.
May 04 Willem IV appointed viceroy of Overijssel on this day in history.
May 14 In the year 1747 a British fleet under Admiral George Anson defeats the French at first battle of Cape Finisterre.
May 14 In the Atlantic New France Governor Jacques-Pierre de Taffanel de La Jonquière 1685-1752 captured by the British at sea and taken to England in the year 1747.
May 16 On this day in history prince Willem V sworn in as admiral-general of Neth
May 16 Prince Willem V sworn in as Admiral-General of Netherlands in the year 1747.
Jun 06 Jean Barriere, composer, dies on this day in history.
Jun 19 On this day in history alessandro Marcello, composer, dies at 77
Jun 24 In the year 1747 johann Melchior Dreyer, composer
Jun 26 On this day in history leopold Jan Antonin Kozeluh, composer
Jul 01 In the year 1747 battle at Lafeld: France beat English/Dutch army
Jul 06 Birth of John Paul Jones at Arbigland, Scotland in the year 1747.
Jul 06 In the year 1747 coelestin Jungbauer, composer
Jul 09 Giovanni Battista Bononcini, Italian opera-composer, dies at 76 in the year 1747.
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