{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1494
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Feb 02 On this day in history birth of bona Sforza, queen of Sigismund I of Poland (d. 1557)
Feb 20 In the year 1494 birth of johan Friis, chancellor (Denmark, helped formed Lutheranism)
Mar 01 On this day in history birth of il Bacchiacca, [Franceso Ubertini], Italian painter
Mar 24 Georgius Agricola, Germany, mineralogist (De Re Metallica) was born on this day in history.
Apr 20 John Agricola, [Schneider], German theologist/prime minister was born in the year 1494.
May 25 Jacopo Pontormo II, Italy, painter (Sepulture of Christ) was born on this day in history.
Sep 12 Francois I of Valois-Angouleme, king of France (1515-47) was born in the year 1494.
Sep 12 In the year 1494 birth of king Francis I of France (d. 1547)
Nov 05 Hans Sachs, composer was born in the year 1494.
Nov 06 In the year 1494 birth of sulayman I, the Great, sultan of Turkey (1520-66)
Nov 06 On this day in history birth of suleiman the Magnificent, Ottoman Sultan (d. 1566)
Dec 20 Oronce Finé, French mathematician (d. 1555) was born in the year 1494.