Historical Events In September - 23
Saturday, 22 February 2025
0079 Pope Linus on this day in history.
0775 Constantine V Copronymus, Emperor of Byzantium (720-75), dies on this day in history.
0918 On September - 23 the German king Conrad I dies after a 7-year reign in which he has warred with the Danes, the Slavs, the Magyars, and the duke of Saxony
0918 Koenraad I, German duke/king (911-18), dies at 42 on September - 23.
0951 On September - 23 otto I the Great becomes king of Italy
0965 On September - 23 aboe a-Taia-H al-Moetanabbi, Arabic royal poet (Diwan), murdered
1122 The Holy Roman Emperor Henry V renounces the right of investiture with ring and crozier in the September 23 Concordat of Worms, recognizes freedom of election of the clergy, and promises to restore all church property on this day in history.
1122 Concord of Worms on September - 23.
1408 On this day in history battle of Othee
1459 On September - 23 battle of Blore Heath, the first major battle of the English Wars of the Roses, is fought at Blore Heath in Staffordshire.
1513 King Henry III & Emperor Maximilian conquer Doornik on September - 23.
1541 On September - 23 philippus A Paracelsus, Swiss physician/alchemist, dies at 47
1555 Louise de Coligny, French 4th wife of Willem of Orange on this day in history.
1561 On September - 23 king Philip II of Spain forbids Spanish settlements in Florida
1591 Michael Lohr, composer on this day in history.
1596 Joan Blaeu, cartographer/publisher on this day in history.
1605 Daniel von Czepko, German poet on this day in history.
1605 On this day in history pontus de Tyard, French poet
1624 Willem Pietersz Buytewech, painter/etcher, dies at about 32 on this day in history.
1641 Adrian "Aart" van Wijck, theologist (against jansenisme) on September - 23.
1642 Harvard College in Cambridge, Mass, 1st commencement on this day in history.
1642 Giovanni Maria Bononcini, composer on this day in history.
1666 Princess Maria of Orange-Nassau marries Mauritius earl of Simmeren on this day in history.
1684 Johann Theodor Romhild, composer on September - 23.
1694 On September - 23 francesco Passarini, composer, dies at 57
1700 On September - 23 nicolaus Adam Strungk, composer, dies at 59
1703 Jean-Marie Leclair, composer on this day in history.
1712 On this day in history ferdinand VI, the wise, King of Spain (1746-59)
1719 Liechtenstein declares independence from German empire on this day in history.
1738 Hermannus Boerhaave, medical/botanist, dies at 69 on this day in history.
1739 Russia & Turkey sign Peace of Belgrade on September - 23.
1745 John Sevier, Tennessee, indian fighter (Gov/Rep-Tn) on this day in history.
1746 Jacob Gilles appointed Dutch pension advisor on September - 23.
1768 William Wallace, Scottish mathematician (Rights of Wallace) on September - 23.