{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1707
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 22 In the year 1707 birth of carl Hockh, composer
Feb 07 Carl August Thielo, composer was born on this day in history.
Feb 15 Claude Prosper, Paris France, novelist was born on this day in history.
Feb 25 Carlo Goldoni, Italy, lawyer/playwright (Belisario, Love of 3 Oranges) was born on this day in history.
Mar 07 On this day in history birth of stephen Hopkins, (Gov-RI) signed Decl of Ind
Apr 15 On this day in history birth of leonhard Euler, Bassle Sweden, mathematician (Euler's Constant)
Apr 22 In the year 1707 birth of henry Fielding, England, novelist (Joseph Andrews, Tom Jones)
Apr 27 John Burman, Dutch botanist/director botanical gardens was born on this day in history.
May 13 On this day in history birth of carl von Linné, Swedish scientist (d. 1778)
May 14 Antonio Teixeira, composer was born on this day in history.
May 23 On this day in history birth of carolus Linnaeus, Swedish botanist (d. 1778)
May 23 In the year 1707 birth of carolus Linneus, Sweden, biological classifier
Jul 14 On this day in history birth of jacques-Philippe Lamoninary, composer
Aug 24 In the year 1707 birth of selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon, English Evangelical Revivalist (d. 1791)
Sep 07 On this day in history birth of george-Louis Leclerc, comte de Buffon, writer on natural history
Dec 18 On this day in history birth of charles Wesley, co-founder (Methodist movement)