Famous Personalities Born In February - 15
Monday, 20 January 2025
1368 On this day in history birth of sigismund, Nornberg Germany, Holy Roman emperor (1410-37)
1458 Ivan the Young, Ruler of Tver (d. 1490) was born on this day in history.
1471 Piero di Lorenzo de' Medici, ruler of Florence (d. 1503) was born on this day in history.
1483 On this day in history birth of babur, founder of Mughal dynasty in India (1526-30
1497 On this day in history birth of philipp Melanchthon, German Protestant
1519 Pedro Menendez de Aviles, explorer (found St Augustine Florida) was born on this day in history.
1524 On February - 15 birth of charles de Guise, archbishop/cardinal of Reims
1557 Alfonso Fontanelli, composer was born on February - 15.
1564 On February - 15 birth of galileo Galilei, Pisa Italy, astronomer/physicist
1571 On February - 15 birth of michael Praetorius, Kreuzberg Germany, composer (Syntagma music)
1620 On February - 15 birth of francois Charpentier, French scholar/archaeologist
1650 Anne Jules duke de Noailles, marshal of France (hugenot) was born on this day in history.
1660 Frans Anneessens, Belgian merchant/dean of artisans was born on February - 15.
1666 On February - 15 birth of antonio M Valsalva, Italian anatomist (eardrums, glottis)
1705 Charles A Vanloo, French painter was born on February - 15.
1707 On this day in history birth of claude Prosper, Paris France, novelist
1710 On this day in history birth of louis XV the Well-Beloved, Versailles, King of France (1715-74)
1725 Abraham Clark, American founding father (d. 1794) was born on this day in history.
1726 Abraham Clark, farmer/lawyer, signed Declaration of Independence was born on February - 15.
1739 Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart, French architect (d. 1813) was born on this day in history.
1740 On February - 15 birth of ernst Eichner, composer
1748 On February - 15 birth of jeremy Bentham, London England philosopher/originator (Utilitarian)
1759 On this day in history birth of friedrich A Wolfius, [Wolf], German philological (Prolegomena)
1760 On February - 15 birth of jean-Francois Le Sueur, composer
1764 Jens I Baggesen, Danish writer/linguist (Danske V'rker) was born on February - 15.
1766 Thomas Malthus, Rookery Surrey UK, economist/demographer was born on February - 15.
1768 Jozef B Cannaert, [Olim], Flemish lawyer was born on this day in history.
1774 W G Frederik, prince of Orange was born on February - 15.
1780 Carel Asser, Dutch jurist was born on this day in history.
1783 On February - 15 birth of johann Nepomuk Poissl, composer
1785 Claude Louis Marie Navier was born on February - 15.
1789 Friedrich Fesca, composer was born on this day in history.
1795 On February - 15 birth of charles Niellon, Belgian brigade general (10 day campaign)
1797 On February - 15 birth of henry Engelhard Steinway, piano maker (Steinway)