{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1735
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 01 Paul Revere, silversmith/US patriot (British are coming) was born in the year 1735.
Jan 08 In the year 1735 birth of john Carroll, American Roman Catholic archbishop (d. 1815)
Jan 21 In the year 1735 birth of johann Gottfried Eckard, composer
Feb 09 In the year 1735 birth of adriaan Kluit, Dutch historian
Feb 10 Johann Christoph Kuhnau, composer was born on this day in history.
Feb 25 Ernst William Wolf, composer was born on this day in history.
Mar 09 On this day in history birth of august Bernhard Valentin Herbing, composer
Mar 20 Torbern Bergman, Swedish chemist (d. 1784) was born on this day in history.
Apr 02 On this day in history birth of christian Gotthilf Tag, composer
Apr 02 In the year 1735 birth of franz Volrath Buttstett, composer
Apr 11 On this day in history birth of pierre Nicolas La Houssaye, composer
Apr 13 On this day in history birth of isaac Low, delegate to the Continental Congress (d. 1791)
Apr 23 On this day in history birth of ildephons Haas, composer
May 01 John H van Kinsbergen, Dutch lt-admiral/founder of Dutch Marines Corp was born on this day in history.
May 08 Sir Nathaniel Dance-Holland, English painter (d. 1811) was born in the year 1735.
May 13 On this day in history birth of horace Coignet, composer
May 23 Charles Joseph, prince the Ligne, Belgian fieldmarshal/author was born on this day in history.
Jun 06 On this day in history birth of anton Schweitzer, composer
Jun 10 John Morgan, American physician-in-chief of Continental Army was born on this day in history.
Jun 25 Benvenuto Robbio San Rafaele, composer was born on this day in history.
Jul 01 James Lyon, composer was born in the year 1735.
Jul 19 Garret Wesley Mornington, composer was born in the year 1735.
Jul 23 On this day in history birth of johannes Herbst, composer
Sep 05 On this day in history birth of johann Christian Bach, composer, son of JS Bach (English Bach)
Sep 07 Thomas Coutts, Scottish banker was born on this day in history.
Sep 28 August Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of Grafton/English premier was born in the year 1735.
Oct 01 Johann Baptist Christoph Toeschi, composer was born in the year 1735.
Oct 25 On this day in history birth of james Beattie, Scotland, poet/philosopher (Essay on Truth)
Oct 30 Edward Miller, composer was born in the year 1735.
Oct 30 John Adams, Braintree (Quincy) Mass, 2nd president USA (1797-1801) was born in the year 1735.
Nov 10 Granville Sharp, English abolishionist (d. 1813) was born on this day in history.
Dec 15 Cesare Beccaria-Bonesana, Italian lawyer was born on this day in history.