Historical Events In 1274
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Mar 07 2nd Council of Lyons (14th ecumenical council) opens on this day in history.
Mar 07 Thomas Aquinas, Italian thelogian/saint, dies at 48 in the year 1274.
May 07 2nd Council of Lyons (14th ecumenical council) opens on this day in history.
Jul 11 In the year 1274 robert Bruce, King of Scotland (1306-29)
Jul 11 In the year 1274 the birth of Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland
Jul 15 John F Bonaventura, Ital/French theologist/dominican/saint, dies on this day in history.
Oct 20 Engelbert II of Falkenburg, archbishop of Cologne, dies on this day in history.