{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1867
Sunday, 09 March 2025
Aug 11 In the year 1867 birth of hobart Bosworth, Marietta OH, actor (Woman of Affairs, Big Parade)
Aug 11 Joseph M Weber, comedian/singer (Weber & Lewis Fields) was born on this day in history.
Aug 12 Edith Hamilton, US, writer (Mythology) was born on this day in history.
Aug 13 Rudolf Georg Binding, German songwriter/writer (Legenden Der Zeit) was born on this day in history.
Aug 13 On this day in history birth of william A Craigie, Scottish lexicographer (Skotlands Rimur)
Aug 14 On this day in history birth of cupid Childs, American baseball player (d. 1912)
Aug 14 In the year 1867 birth of john Galsworthy, England, author (Forsyte Saga-Nobel 1932)
Aug 16 Antonio Nobre, Portuguese poet (Lonely) was born on this day in history.
Aug 22 Maximilian Bircher-Benner, Swiss physician and nutritionist (d. 1939) was born in the year 1867.
Aug 23 In the year 1867 birth of marcel Schwob, Frans writer/journalist (Le Croisade des Enfants)
Aug 25 In the year 1867 birth of james W. Gerard, American jurist and diplomat (d. 1951)
Aug 27 In the year 1867 birth of umberto Giordano, composer
Sep 05 In the year 1867 birth of amy Beach, American composer and pianist (d. 1944)
Sep 05 Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, composer was born in the year 1867.
Sep 07 On this day in history birth of albert Basserman, Mannheim Germany, actor (Foreign Correspondant)
Sep 07 Albert Bassermann, German actor (d. 1952) was born on this day in history.
Sep 07 On this day in history birth of camilod d'Almeida Pessanha, Portuguese poet (China)
Sep 14 On this day in history birth of charles Dana Gibson, illustrator, drew "Gibson Girl"
Sep 19 Arthur Rackham, England, artist/illustrator (Grimm's Fairy Tales) was born on this day in history.
Sep 21 In the year 1867 birth of henry Lewis Stimson, US minister of War (1911-13)
Sep 25 On this day in history birth of evgenii Miller, Russian counter-revolutionary (d. 1938)
Sep 26 Maggie L Walker, black business & civic leader was born on this day in history.
Sep 27 In the year 1867 birth of rosa Lewis, society caterer/owner (Cavandish Hotel-England)
Sep 28 Hiranuma KiichirÅ, Prime Minister of Japan (d. 1952) was born on this day in history.
Sep 29 Philip Kleintjes, people's rights leader was born on this day in history.
Oct 03 Pierre Bonnard, French painter/illustrator was born on this day in history.
Oct 14 Masaoka Shiki, Japan, haiku & tanka poet/diarist (Salt Water Ballads) was born in the year 1867.
Oct 24 Franco Leoni, composer was born on this day in history.
Oct 25 On this day in history birth of józef Dowbór-Muśnicki, Polish general (d.1937)
Nov 03 On this day in history birth of siegfried Garibaldi Kallenberg, composer
Nov 04 In the year 1867 birth of tomasz Arciszewski, Polish PM (1944-47)
Nov 06 Marie Bregendahl, Danish author (Holger Hauge og hans Hustru) was born in the year 1867.
Nov 07 Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie, discovered radium (Nobel 1903, 1911) was born on this day in history.
Nov 08 Ilmari Henrik Reinhold Krohn, composer was born on this day in history.
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