{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1899
Monday, 31 March 2025
Sep 09 Neil Hamilton, Lynn Mass, actor (Commisioner Gordon-Batman) was born on this day in history.
Sep 09 Waite Hoyt, American baseball player (d. 1984) was born on this day in history.
Sep 11 Jimmie Davis, composer (d. 2000) was born on this day in history.
Sep 11 On this day in history birth of nelly A "Nell" Knoop, Dutch actress (Driestuivers Opera)
Sep 12 Gerard Hordijk, Dutch architect/painter was born in the year 1899.
Sep 13 Anton Constandse, Dutch anarchist/writer was born on this day in history.
Sep 13 In the year 1899 birth of corneliu Zelea Codreanu, leader of the Iron Guard (d. 1938)
Sep 14 Hal Wallis, movie producer (Maltese Falcon, Barefoot in the Park) was born on this day in history.
Sep 15 On this day in history birth of milton S Eisenhower, Dwight's brother/pres (Pennsylvania State)
Sep 16 On this day in history birth of hans Swarowsky, Budapest Hungary, conductor (Graz Opera 1947-50)
Sep 17 In the year 1899 birth of winnie Lightner, Greenport NY, comedienne (Sit Tight, Side Show)
Sep 20 Elliot Nugent, director (And so They were Married) was born on this day in history.
Sep 20 Leo Strauss, German-born philosopher (d. 1973) was born in the year 1899.
Sep 21 On this day in history birth of frederick Coutts, the 8th General of The Salvation Army (d. 1986)
Sep 21 In the year 1899 birth of luc Haesaerts, Flemish art critic (Flandre)
Sep 23 Louise Nevelson, sculptor was born on this day in history.
Sep 23 Marcel Dalio, [Israel Blauschild], Paris France, actor (China Gate) was born in the year 1899.
Sep 23 William Levi Dawson, composer was born on this day in history.
Sep 24 On this day in history birth of eduardo Hernandez Moncada, composer
Sep 24 In the year 1899 birth of sir William Dobell, Australian portrait artist (d. 1970)
Sep 29 In the year 1899 birth of billy Butlin, South Africa, holiday camp promoter
Sep 29 On this day in history birth of jolie Gabor, mother of Magda, Zsa Zsa, & Eva
Sep 30 On this day in history birth of hendrik Marsman, Dutch poet/writer/critic
Oct 01 In the year 1899 birth of ernest Haycox, American writer (d. 1950)
Oct 01 Lajos Bardos, composer was born on this day in history.
Oct 03 Gertrude Berg, Harlem NYC, actress (Molly Goldberg-Goldbergs) was born in the year 1899.
Oct 05 Boleslaw Woytowicz, composer was born on this day in history.
Oct 05 In the year 1899 birth of georg, Duke of Mecklenburg, head of the House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (d. 1962)
Oct 08 Milner Connorton Gray, designer was born in the year 1899.
Oct 08 On this day in history birth of pandit Rambharos Gangaram Panday, Suriname relig leader/co-found (VHP)
Oct 09 In the year 1899 birth of bruce Catton, US, historian/writer (Civil War)
Oct 11 In the year 1899 birth of a L "Oosh" Ochse, cricketer (no relation to A E S African fast bowler)
Oct 11 In the year 1899 birth of eddie Dyer, American baseball player (d. 1964)
Oct 13 On this day in history birth of marcelle de Manziarly, composer
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