{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1922
Monday, 31 March 2025
Oct 03 On this day in history birth of jean Lefebvre, French actor (d. 2004)
Oct 03 Marcel van Thienen, composer was born in the year 1922.
Oct 04 Malcolm Baldrige, Conn, US Secretary of Commerce (1981-87) was born on this day in history.
Oct 04 On this day in history birth of shin Kyuk-Ho, Japanese businessman
Oct 05 Bil Keane, American cartoonist was born on this day in history.
Oct 05 On this day in history birth of jock Stein, Scottish footballer and manager (d. 1985)
Oct 05 On this day in history birth of josé Froilán González, Argentine race car driver
Oct 06 On this day in history birth of joe Frazier, American baseball player
Oct 07 On this day in history birth of grady Hatton, American baseball player
Oct 07 Martha Stewart, Bardwell Ky, singer/actress (Daisy Kenyon, Doll Face) was born on this day in history.
Oct 07 Reina Prinsen Geerligs, [Leentje Vandendriesch], Dutch antifascist was born on this day in history.
Oct 08 Douglas Gray, archivist was born on this day in history.
Oct 08 Svend Westergaard, composer was born on this day in history.
Oct 09 In the year 1922 birth of fyvush Finkel, actor (Middle Ages, Picket Fences)
Oct 09 Raymond Wilding-White, composer was born on this day in history.
Oct 10 In the year 1922 birth of boeli [Willem C] van Leeuwen, Antillian writer (Vreemdeling Op Aarde)
Oct 10 Harry Cave, cricketer (NZ bowler & Test captain in the 1950's) was born on this day in history.
Oct 13 On this day in history birth of alan Scott, Haddonfield NJ, TV host/songwriter (Spin the Picture)
Oct 13 Gilberto Mendes, composer was born in the year 1922.
Oct 15 Agustina Bessa-LuÃs, Portuguese writer was born in the year 1922.
Oct 16 On this day in history birth of max Bygraves, London, actor (Tom Brown's School Days)
Oct 16 Robert Urquhart, actor (Dunkirk, Bulldog Breed, Dark Avenger) was born in the year 1922.
Oct 17 On this day in history birth of louis Benjamin, showman
Oct 17 On this day in history birth of luiz Bonfá, Brazilian composer (d. 2001)
Oct 17 In the year 1922 birth of pierre Juneau, Canadian film and broadcast executive
Oct 18 Camillo Togni, composer was born in the year 1922.
Oct 18 On this day in history birth of little Orphan Annie, comic strip character
Oct 18 Richard Stankiewicz, US sculptor (1974 Akston Award, 1966 Brandeis) was born on this day in history.
Oct 19 In the year 1922 birth of jack Anderson, Long Beach, Calif, journalist (Wash Post)
Oct 20 On this day in history birth of john Anderson, Clayton Ill, actor (Virgil-Legend of Wyatt Earp)
Oct 21 In the year 1922 birth of liliane de Bettencourt, heir to L'Oreal
Oct 22 On this day in history birth of john H Chafee, (Sen-R-Rhode Island, 1976- )
Oct 22 In the year 1922 birth of john Weidner, war hero
Oct 22 Juan Carlos Lorenzo, Argentine footballer (d. 2001) was born on this day in history.
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