{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1922
Monday, 31 March 2025
Aug 24 On this day in history birth of howard Zinn, American historian and activist
Aug 24 René Lévesque, Premier of Quebec (d. 1987) was born in the year 1922.
Aug 25 Ronnie Potsdammer, Dutch singer/song writer/programmer was born on this day in history.
Aug 26 On this day in history birth of irving R. Levine, American journalist
Aug 26 Lazar Nikolov, composer was born in the year 1922.
Aug 29 Emile Habibi, writer was born in the year 1922.
Aug 29 In the year 1922 birth of mr. Blackwell, American fashion critic
Aug 29 Yorgos Sicilianos, composer was born in the year 1922.
Aug 30 On this day in history birth of lionel Murphy, Australian politician (d. 1986)
Aug 30 In the year 1922 birth of regina Resnik, NYC, mezzo-soprano (Sieglinde-Bayreuth)
Sep 01 On this day in history birth of melvin R Laird, (Rep-R-Mich), US Secretary of Defense (1969-73)
Sep 01 Vittorio Gassman, Genoa Italy, actor (War & Peace) was born in the year 1922.
Sep 01 On this day in history birth of yvonne De Carlo, Vancouver BC, actress (10 Commandments, Munsters)
Sep 03 Rosendo Ejercito Santos, composer was born in the year 1922.
Sep 04 In the year 1922 birth of per Olof Sundman, Swedish writer and politician (d. 1992)
Sep 07 Arthur Ferrante, pianist/composer (Ferrante & Tachere-Exodus) was born on this day in history.
Sep 07 In the year 1922 birth of kirill Vladimirovich Molchanov, composer
Sep 07 Lucien Jarraud, Canadian radio host (d. 2007) was born on this day in history.
Sep 08 Lyndon LaRouche, American presidental candidate (1980) was born in the year 1922.
Sep 08 Sid Caesar, Yonkers NY, comedian (Your Show of Shows) was born in the year 1922.
Sep 09 On this day in history birth of anthony Derrick Parsons, diplomat
Sep 09 In the year 1922 birth of hoyt Curtin, American songwriter (d. 2000)
Sep 09 MacKenzie John, pipe major was born on this day in history.
Sep 09 Manolis Glezos, Greek politician and writer was born on this day in history.
Sep 10 In the year 1922 birth of yma Súmac, Peruvian singer
Sep 11 Charles Evers, civil rights leader (Amazing Grace) was born on this day in history.
Sep 12 Ellen Demming, American actress (d. 2002) was born on this day in history.
Sep 12 Jackson Mac Low, composer was born in the year 1922.
Sep 12 Viscount Allendale, English large landowner/multi-millionaire was born in the year 1922.
Sep 13 In the year 1922 birth of charles Brown, American singer and pianist (d. 1999)
Sep 14 Michel Auclair, [Vujovic], Germany, actor (Story of a Love Story) was born on this day in history.
Sep 15 In the year 1922 birth of bob Anderson (fencer), English sword-master
Sep 16 On this day in history birth of janis Paige, Tacoma Wash, actress (Lanigan's Rabbi, Trapper John MD)
Sep 16 Marcel Mouloudji, singer was born on this day in history.
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