{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1925
Thursday, 13 March 2025
Nov 18 William Robert Mayer, composer was born in the year 1925.
Nov 19 Zygmunt Bauman, Polish Sociologist was born in the year 1925.
Nov 20 On this day in history birth of judy Woodruff, news analyst & commentator
Nov 20 June [Shirley L] Christy, US, jazz singer (Tampico) was born in the year 1925.
Nov 20 Maya Plisetskaya, prima ballerina (Bolshoi Ballet) was born on this day in history.
Nov 20 On this day in history birth of robert Francis Kennedy, Brookline, Mass (D-Sen-NY) AG; assassinated
Nov 21 In the year 1925 birth of johan "Poncke" Princen, KNIL-defector/civil rights in Djakarta
Nov 22 In the year 1925 birth of gunther Schuller, NYC, hornist/composer (Visitation)
Nov 23 Johnny Mandel, American songwriter was born on this day in history.
Nov 24 On this day in history birth of alun Owen, North Wales, writer (Hard Days Night)/actor (Servant)
Nov 24 Simon van der Meer, Nobel Prize laureate was born on this day in history.
Nov 24 On this day in history birth of william F. Buckley Jr, New York, American conservative author and commentator (National Review, Firing Line)
Nov 25 On this day in history birth of jeffrey Hunter, Orleans La, actor (Christopher Pike-Star Trek Cage)
Nov 25 On this day in history birth of jose Napoleon Duarte, president El Salvador
Nov 26 Eugene Istomin, NYC, pianist (Leventritt Award-1943) was born in the year 1925.
Nov 26 Linda Hunt, Morriston NJ, actress (Bostonians, Eleni, Silverado) was born on this day in history.
Nov 27 In the year 1925 birth of ernie Wise, England, comedian (Morecambe & Wise)
Nov 27 On this day in history birth of john Maddox, British science writer and editor
Nov 27 Marshall Thompson, Peoria Ill, actor (Bog, To Hell & Back, Daktari) was born on this day in history.
Nov 27 On this day in history birth of michael Tolan, Detroit Mich, actor (Nurses, Senator)
Nov 28 In the year 1925 birth of aurelio de la Vega, composer
Nov 28 In the year 1925 birth of gloria Grahame, LA Calif, actress (Sue-Rich Man Poor Man)
Nov 28 On this day in history birth of józsef Bozsik, Hungarian footballer (d. 1978)
Nov 28 Virginia Hewitt, Shreveport La, actress (Carol-Space Patrol) was born on this day in history.
Nov 30 Maxwell Street Jimmy Charles Davis Thomas, blues musician was born on this day in history.
Dec 01 In the year 1925 birth of david Doyle, Omaha Neb, actor (John Bosley-Charlie's Angels)
Dec 01 On this day in history birth of jaime Mendoza-Nava, composer
Dec 01 Jordan Klein, Miami Fla, cameraman/director (Thunderball) was born in the year 1925.
Dec 01 On this day in history birth of martin Rodbell, American scientist, Nobel laureate (d. 1998)
Dec 02 Julie Harris, Grosse Pt Mich, actress (Bell Jar, East of Eden) was born on this day in history.
Dec 03 Ferlin Husky, American singer was born in the year 1925.
Dec 03 Ken Funston, South African cricket batsman (18 Tests during 1950's) was born on this day in history.
Dec 03 In the year 1925 birth of kim Dae Jung, South Korean President, Nobel laureate
Dec 04 In the year 1925 birth of maurice Binder, NYC, photographer/film titler (James Bond)
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