{--page_num--}Famous Personalities Born In 1925
Thursday, 13 March 2025
May 27 Tony Hillerman, American writer was born in the year 1925.
May 28 Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Zehlendorf Germany, baritone (Doktor Faust) was born in the year 1925.
May 28 Martha Vickers, Ann Arbor MI, actress (Alimony, Man I Love, Ruthless) was born in the year 1925.
May 29 In the year 1925 birth of kenneth Couzens, CEO (Coal Products)
May 30 In the year 1925 birth of claude Prey, composer
May 30 Eddy Bruma, Suriname politician was born on this day in history.
May 30 In the year 1925 birth of gerard John Toorenaar, political commissar in Amsterdam (1975-79)
Jun 01 Dilia DÃaz Cisneros, Venezuelan teacher was born in the year 1925.
Jun 01 Richard Erdman, Enid Ok, actor (Stalag 17, Anything Goes) was born on this day in history.
Jun 03 Gerhard Zwerenz, writer was born in the year 1925.
Jun 03 In the year 1925 birth of thomas Winning, Roman Catholic archbishop (Glasgow)
Jun 03 Tony Curtis, [Bernard Schwartz], Bronx, NY, actor (Some Like It Hot) was born in the year 1925.
Jun 05 In the year 1925 birth of art Donovan, American football star
Jun 05 Bill Hayes, Harvey Ill, actor (Your Show of Shows, Days of our Life) was born on this day in history.
Jun 05 On this day in history birth of dorothy Claire, LaPorte Ind, singer (Winchell & Mahoney)
Jun 05 William L Dickinson, (Rep-R-AL, 1965- ) was born in the year 1925.
Jun 07 Camille Flammarion, French astronomer/writer (Thunder & Lightning) was born in the year 1925.
Jun 07 Pieternella "Nel" van Arem, Dutch actress (Sea Gull) was born in the year 1925.
Jun 08 Barbara Pierce Bush, Rye NY, 1st lady (1989-93) was born in the year 1925.
Jun 08 On this day in history birth of del Ennis, baseball player (d. 1996)
Jun 08 Eddie Gaedel, 3'7" St Louis Browns pinch-hitter (he walked) was born in the year 1925.
Jun 09 Roy Hughes, MP was born on this day in history.
Jun 09 On this day in history birth of [John] Keith Laumer, [Anthony LeBaron], US, sf author (Retief's War)
Jun 10 Don Costa, actor (Impossible Years, Soul of Nigger Charlie) was born in the year 1925.
Jun 10 In the year 1925 birth of nat Hentoff, columnist/novelist (Village Voice, The Cold Society)
Jun 11 On this day in history birth of william Styron, Va, novelist (Confess of Nat Turner, Sophie's Choice)
Jun 13 Hans Fellner, bookseller was born on this day in history.
Jun 14 Barbara Hammer Avedon, scriptwriter was born in the year 1925.
Jun 14 On this day in history birth of david Bache, designer
Jun 14 In the year 1925 birth of pierre Salinger, newsman (ABC)/press secretary (John Kennedy)
Jun 15 Gene Baker, baseball player was born on this day in history.
Jun 15 On this day in history birth of jaime Sabines, Mexican poet (Tarumba, Maltiempes)
Jun 16 Faith Domergue, New Orleans, actress (House of 7 Corpses) was born on this day in history.
Jun 16 Richard Jacobs, philanthropist/sports owner (Cleveland Indians) was born in the year 1925.
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