Famous Deaths Happened In 1558
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Feb 03 On this day in history alfonsus de Castro, Spanish theologist (council of Trente), dies
Feb 25 Eleanor of Austria, Queen of Portugal and France (b. 1498) died on this day in history.
Mar 13 In the year 1558 jean Fernel, French physician/physiologist, dies
Mar 24 Anna van Buren, countess of Egmond/Buren/Lingen, dies on this day in history.
Mar 25 On this day in history death of marcos de Niza, French Franciscan explorer
Apr 18 Roxelana, wife of Suleiman the Magnificent died on this day in history.
Apr 20 On this day in history death of johannes Bugenhagen, German reformer (b. 1485)
Apr 26 On this day in history jean Francois Fernel, French physician, dies
May 31 Philip Hoby, English politician (b. 1505) died in the year 1558.
Jun 04 In the year 1558 maximilian of Burgundy, leader of Holland/admiral, dies at 43
Sep 21 Charles V, King of Spain (Carlos I)/Holy Roman Emperor, dies at 58 on this day in history.
Oct 18 Maria, queen of Hungary/guardian of Neth (1531-55), dies at 53 in the year 1558.
Oct 21 Julius Caesar Scaliger, Italian physician (Poetice), dies at 74 on this day in history.
Nov 12 On this day in history shalom Shakna ben Joseph, Rabbi (founder of 1st Polish Yeshiva), dies
Nov 17 In the year 1558 mary I Tudor, "Bloody Mary", queen of England (1553-58), dies at 42
Nov 23 Charles, earl of Lalaing/land guardian of the Neth, dies at 52 in the year 1558.
Dec 29 In the year 1558 hermann Finck, composer, dies at 31