Historical Events In 1757
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 02 British troops occupy Calcutta India on this day in history.
Jan 03 In the year 1757 johann Abraham Sixt, composer
Jan 05 In the year 1757 failed assassination attempt on French king Louis XV by Damiens
Jan 16 In the year 1757 samuel McIntire, woodcarver/architect (architect of Salem)
Jan 17 German Diet declares war on Prussia on this day in history.
Jan 21 In the year 1757 in Ticonderoga New York Robert Rogers 1731-1795 defeated with his Rogers Rangers by French near Ticonderoga
Jan 28 On this day in history antonio Bartolomeo Bruni, composer
Feb 01 On this day in history john P Kemble, England, actor/director (Drury Lane, Covent Garden)
Feb 13 On this day in history john C Hespe, Dutch journalist/politician
Mar 04 Ignaz Malzat, composer in the year 1757.
Mar 14 In the year 1757 john Byng, English admiral (Minorca), executed at 52
Mar 14 On-board the HMS Monarch, Admiral John Byng is executed by firing squad for neglecting his duty in the year 1757.
Mar 16 Bengt Lidner, Swedish poet (Medea, Yttersa Domen) on this day in history.
Mar 17 In the year 1757 prince Mas Saïd of Mataram surrenders to Mangkubumi in Java
Mar 17 On this day in history prince Mas Saïd of Mataram surrenders to Mangkubumi in Java
Mar 20 Johann Paul Kunzen, composer, dies at 60 on this day in history.
Mar 27 In the year 1757 johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz, composer, dies at 39
Mar 27 Richard John Samuel Stevens, composer on this day in history.
Apr 03 On this day in history ferenc Verseghy, composer
Apr 06 On this day in history alessandro Rolla, composer
Apr 06 English king George II fires minister William Pitt Sr on this day in history.
Apr 09 Wojciech Boguslawski, composer in the year 1757.
Apr 15 On this day in history george Knowil Jackson, composer
Apr 28 On this day in history claus Nielsen Schali, composer
May 01 Austria & France divide Prussia on this day in history.
May 01 On this day in history austria &France divide Prussia
May 06 Battle at Prague Frederik II of Prussia beats emperor army in the year 1757.
May 06 Battle at Prague: Frederik II of Prussia beats emperor army in the year 1757.
May 17 War speculators raise the prices of bread and meat by 1000%; 4 oz. of bread the daily ration in Quebec in the year 1757.
May 30 Henry Addington, Viscount Sidmouth (C), British PM (1801-04) on this day in history.
Jun 01 Ignaz J Pleyel, Austria composer/piano builder (Piano method) on this day in history.
Jun 13 Christian Ludwig Dieter, composer in the year 1757.
Jun 18 Battle at Kolin Bohemia: Austrian army beats Prussia in the year 1757.
Jun 18 In the year 1757 ignaz Joseph Pleyel, composer
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