Famous Deaths In 1627
Tuesday, 03 December 2024
Feb 22 In the year 1627 death of olivier van Noort, Dutch navigator (b. 1558)
Mar 06 Krzysztof Zbaraski, Polish statesman (b. 1580) died in the year 1627.
Mar 22 In the year 1627 cornelis van Aerssen, Flemish Clerk of the House, dies at about 81
Apr 19 John Beaumont, English poet (b. 1583) died on this day in history.
May 02 Lodovico Grossi da Viadana, Italian composer (b. 1560) died on this day in history.
May 23 Luis de Gongora y Argote, poet/writer, dies on this day in history.
May 27 On this day in history everhardus van Bronchorst, lawyer, dies at 73
Jun 27 On this day in history death of john Hayward, English historian
Jul 01 Nathaniel Bacon, English painter, dies at 41 on this day in history.
Jul 04 Thomas Middleton, Elizabethan dramatist (Women Beware Women), dies in the year 1627.
Jul 17 Lieven de Key, Flemish master builder (Vleeshal), dies at about 67 on this day in history.
Jul 19 In the year 1627 dirck R "Didericus" Camphuysen, poet/printer/vicar, dies at about 41
Aug 21 Jacques Mauduit, composer, dies at 69 in the year 1627.
Sep 20 On this day in history death of jan Gruter, Dutch critic (b. 1560)
Oct 21 In the year 1627 frederik de Houtman, navigator/governor of Ambon, dies at about 56
Oct 28 Djehangir/Jahangir, great mogol of India, dies on this day in history.
Dec 26 Gonzaga, Italian monarch of Mantua/Monferrato, dies in the year 1627.