Historical Events In November - 11
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
0307 Flavius Valerius Severus, compassionate emperor of Rome (306-07), dies on this day in history.
0308 On November - 11 the Congress of Carnuntum: Attempting to keep peace within the Roman Empire, the leaders of the Tetrarchy declare Maxentius and Licinius to be Augusti, while rival contender Constantine I is declared Caesar of Britain and Gaul.
0397 Martinus, (St Maarten), Roman bishop of Tours, dies at about 81 on this day in history.
0405 On November - 11 arsacius, intruding archbishop of Constantinople
0511 Clovis, king of Salische France/founder of Merovingische, dies at 45 on November - 11.
0537 Pope Silverius, saint on this day in history.
0537 On this day in history st Silverius ends his reign as Catholic Pope
0826 On November - 11 theodore the Studite, Byzantine theologist/poet/saint, dies
0865 Petronas the Patrician, Byzantine General on this day in history.
0887 On November - 11 parliament in Tribur: King Charles III resigns
1150 Hartbert, bishop of Utrecht (1140-50), dies on this day in history.
1154 Sancho I, King of Portugal (1185-1212) on November - 11.
1155 Alfonso VIII, the Noble One, king of Castilia on this day in history.
1158 On this day in history emperor Frederik I Barbarossa declares himself ruler of North Italy
1208 On November - 11 otto van Wittelsbach chosen German king
1215 4th Lateran Council (12th ecumenical council) opens in Rome on this day in history.
1331 Stefanus VIII Uros III Decanski, king of Serbia (1322-31), dies on November - 11.
1417 On this day in history oddo Colonna elected as Pope Martinus V
1493 On this day in history columbus discovers Saba
1500 Treaty of Granada: France & Aragon divide Naples on this day in history.
1503 Pope Julius II elected on this day in history.
1523 On November - 11 joachim Hopperus, [Hoppers], Frisian lawyer/politician
1528 On this day in history lucas van Prague, Czech leader of Bohemian Brothers, dies at about 68
1572 On this day in history duke of Alva's son Don Fredrik begins siege for Haarlem
1579 Frans Snyders, Flemish animal painter on this day in history.
1599 On November - 11 ottavio Piccolomini, Italian/Spanish marshal
1606 Turkey & Austria sign Treaty of Zsitva-Torok on November - 11.
1620 On this day in history 41 pilgrims land in Massachusetts, sign Mayflower Compact (just and equal laws)
1620 41 pilgrims land in Mass, sign Mayflower Compact (just & equal laws) on this day in history.
1633 George Savile, 1st marquis of Halifax/author (Character of a Trimmer) on this day in history.
1634 Following pressure from Anglican bishop John Atherton, the Irish House of Commons passes "An Act for the Punishment for the Vice of Buggery" on this day in history.
1636 On this day in history yen Jo-chu, Chinese scholar of Ch'ing dynasty
1638 Cornelis Cornelisz, "of Haarlem", painter, dies at about 76 on this day in history.
1640 John Pym, earl of Strafford locked in Tower of London on November - 11.