Famous Deaths Happened In 1708
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 23 In the year 1708 thomas Bullis, composer, dies at 80
Apr 30 On this day in history simon de Vries, book seller/writer (Unequal), dies
May 06 In the year 1708 death of françois de Laval, first bishop of New France (b. 1623)
May 11 In the year 1708 death of jules Hardouin Mansart, French architect (b. 1646)
May 12 On this day in history death of adolf Friedrich II of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (b. 1658)
May 27 Jacques Danican Philidor, composer, dies at 51 in the year 1708.
Jun 15 In the year 1708 death of romeyn de Hooghe, painter/goldsmith, buried at 62
Jul 01 In the year 1708 death of emperor Tekle Haymanot I of Ethiopia (b. 1706)
Jul 02 On this day in history willem of Nassau, mister of Zuylenstein/lt-gen/baron Enfield, dies
Aug 04 Vincenzo De Grandis, composer, dies at 77 in the year 1708.
Sep 03 In the year 1708 christian Liebe, composer, dies at 53
Sep 06 Sir John Morden, English merchant and philanthropist (b. 1623) died on this day in history.
Sep 07 On this day in history death of tekle Haymanot I of Ethiopia
Oct 01 On this day in history john Blow, composer (Venus & Adonis), dies at 59
Oct 07 In the year 1708 death of guru Gobind Singh, tenth Sikh Guru (b. 1666)
Oct 10 David Gregory, Scottish astronomer (b. 1659) died on this day in history.
Oct 11 On this day in history death of ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus, German mathematician (b. 1651)
Oct 13 In the year 1708 henry van Nassau, mister of Ouwerkerk/fieldmarshal, dies at 67
Oct 18 On this day in history henry Van Nassau, stable master/fieldmarshal, dies at 67
Oct 22 On this day in history herman Witsius, [Wits], reformed theologist, dies at 72
Oct 24 On this day in history death of kowa Seki, Japanese mathematician
Oct 28 Prince George of Denmark, Consort of Queen Anne of England (b. 1653) died on this day in history.
Nov 03 On this day in history henriette Catharina van Nassau, daughter of Frederik Henry, dies at 71
Nov 04 Henriette Catharina van Nassau, daughter of F Henry, dies at 71 in the year 1708.
Nov 07 On this day in history ludolf Backhuysen, Dutch seascape painter/cartoonist, dies at 76
Dec 22 Hedwig Sophia, duchess of Holstein-Gottorp, Swedish writer (b. 1681) died on this day in history.
Dec 28 In the year 1708 death of joseph Pitton de Tournefort, French botanist (b. 1656)