Quotations Page With 'H'
Thursday, 27 March 2025
Habit with him was all the test of truth;'It must be right : I've done it from my youth.
- George Grebbe -
Ill habits gather by unseen degees.As brooks make rivers run in to seas.
- Dryden.Tr. Ovid -
Habit is ten times nature.
- Wellington -
The fox changes his skin but not his habits.
- Suetonius -
Great is the force of habit; it teaches us to bear labour and to scorn injury and pain.
- Cicero -
How ill white hair become a fool and a jester.
- Shakespeare -
My hair is grey, but not with years.Nor grew it white, In a single night, As men's have grown with sudden fears.
- Byron, The Prisoner of Chillon -
Pale hands I loved beside the Shalimar, Where are you now ? Who lies beneath your spell ?
- Laurence Pope, Kashmir Song -
There is no better sign of a brave mind than a hard hand.
- Shakespeare, Henry VI -
All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.
- Shakespeare, Macbeth -
Let us go hand in hand, no one before another.
- Shakespeare -
We must all hang together, else we shall hang separetely.
- Benjamin Franklin -
Yet sometime it shall fall on a dayThat falleth not oft within a thousand year.
- Chaucer, Kinght's Tale -
Happiness depends on what you can give, not what you can get.
- Mahatma Gandhi, Young India -
That action is best which procures the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers.
- Francis Huchinson, An Inquiry in to Beauty and Virtue -
Happiness lies, first of all, in health.
- George William Curts -
How wide the limits stand.Between a splendid and a happy land.
- Goldsmith, Deserted Village -
The best secret of happiness is renunciation.
- Andrew Carnegie -
The happy only are the truly great.
- Young, Love of Fame -