Page 2: Quotations Page With 'H'
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Now the heart is so full that a drop overfills it.We are happy now because God will it.
- J.R.Lowell, The Vision of Sir Launfal -
Worse than a bloody hand in a hard heart.
- Shelly, Cenci -
Plenty and peace breeds cowards; hardness ever hardness is mother.
- Shakespeare -
Ability and necessity dwell near each other.
- Pythagorus -
Who dare harm whom God protects ?
- Mahatma Gandhi, Autobiography -
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.
- Keats, On A Gercian Urn -
We hanged our harps upon the willows.
- Old Testament-Psalms -
Haste administers all things badly.
- Statius, The Baidos Libri -
Haste is of the devil.
- Koran -
Hurry is the mark of a weak mind : despatch of a strong one.
- C.C.Colton, Lacon -
Make haste slowly.
- Emperor Augustus -
Hate is the subtlest form of violence.
- Mahatma Gandhi, Harijan -
Hating people is the burning down your own house to get rid of a rat.
- Harry Emerson, The Wages of Haste -
Hated by fools, and fools to hate, By that my motto and my fate.
- Swift, To Dr.Delany -
All our world organisations will prove ineffective if the truth that love is stronger than hate does not inspire them.
- S.Radhakrishnan, Great Indians -
People hate as they love : unreasonably.
- Thakeray -
Hatred is a settled anger.
- Cicero -
To instruct the human race need one discard humanity ?It is the torch of hatred indispensable to show us the truth ?
- Voltaire, Fanaticicm -
In time we hate that we often fear.
- Shakespeare -
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