Quotations Page With 'Q'
Thursday, 27 March 2025
Quarrels will not last long if the wrong were only on one side.
- La Rochespeare -
In a false quarrel there is true valour.
- Shakespeare -
What songs the Sirens sang or what name Achilles assumed when he hid himself among the women though puzzling questions are not beyond all conjecture.
- Sir Thomas Browne -
Somtimes quiet is disquieting.
- Seneca -
What sweet delight a quiet life affords.
- Drummond -
Some for renown, on scraps of learning dote, And think they grow immortal as they quote.
- Edward Young, Love of Fame -
Next to the originator of a good sentence is the first quoter of it. Many will read the book before one thinks of quoting a passage.
- Emerson, Quotations and Originality -