Historical Events In 1054
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Feb 20 Yaroslav I, the Wise, ruler (Kiev), dies on this day in history.
Mar 12 Pope Leo IX escapes captivity & returns to Rome in the year 1054.
Apr 19 In the year 1054 leo IX, [Bruno von Egesheim und Dagsburg], Pope (1049-54), dies at 51
Jul 04 Brightest known super-nova (Crab Nebula) starts shining (23 days) in the year 1054.
Jul 05 A minor star in the constellation Taurus explodes July 5 in a supernova that is visible by daylight for 23 days and remains visible at night for another 633 days, an event recorded by pictographs in China and in the Western Hemisphere on this day in history.
Jul 05 Brightest supernova (Crab Nebula) 1st reported on this day in history.
Jul 16 In the year 1054 michael Caerularius excommunicated of Constantinople
Jul 17 Emperor Henry III crowns his son Henry IV king on this day in history.
Jul 19 Bernold[us] Benno/Bernulphus, bishop of Utrecht (1027-54)/saint, dies in the year 1054.