Historical Events In 1423
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
May 23 On this day in history benedict XIII, [Pedro the Luna], Spanish Pope (1394-1423), dies
Jun 25 Reinald IV, duke of Gelre & Gulik (Reinoud I), dies on this day in history.
Jul 03 In the year 1423 louis XI, King of France (1461-83)
Jul 11 In the year 1423 arnold van Egmont becomes duke of Gelre
Jul 31 In the year 1423 hundred Years' War: Battle of Cravant
Oct 09 Frederik III of Blankenheim, bishop of Straatsburg/Utrecht, dies in the year 1423.
Dec 04 On this day in history treaty of London provided for the release of James 1 from English captivity, for ransom of £40,000 paid in 6 annual instalments, and for the sessation of reinforcements to Scottish troops in France