Historical Events In January - 23
Tuesday, 25 March 2025
0393 Roman Emperor Theodosius I proclaims his nine year old son Honorius co-emperor on this day in history.
0638 Start of Islamic calendar on this day in history.
0909 John of Rila aka Saint Ivan and the fable of two pies on this day in history.
0971 On this day in history in China, the war elephant corps of the Southern Han are soundly defeated at Shao by crossbow fire from Song Dynasty troops. The Southern Han state is forced to submit to the Song Dynasty, ending not only Southern Han rule, but also the first regular war elephant corps employed in a Chinese army that had gained the Southern Han victories throughout the 10th century.
1002 On January - 23 the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III dies of malaria January 23 at age 21 while conducting a campaign against the Romans
1002 On January - 23 otto III, German king/emperor 983/996-1002, dies at 21
1265 On January - 23 1st English Parliament formally convened (some authorities)
1356 Margaretha of Bavaria, Emperess of Germany, dies on January - 23.
1368 On January - 23 in a coronation ceremony, Zhu Yuanzhang ascends to the throne of China as the Hongwu Emperor, initiating Ming Dynasty rule over China that would last for three centuries.
1490 First printing of Ramban's Sha'ar ha-Gemul on this day in history.
1490 On this day in history 1st printing of Ramban's Sha'ar ha-Gemul
1492 "Pentateuch" (Jewish holy book) first printed on January - 23.
1492 "Pentateuch" (Jewish holy book) 1st printed on this day in history.
1516 On this day in history ferdinand II, king of Aragon/Sicily, dies at 63
1546 Having published nothing for eleven years, Francois Rabelais publishes the Tiers Livre, his sequel to Gargantua and Pantagruel on January - 23.
1548 On this day in history bernardo Pisano, composer, dies at 57
1552 2nd version of Book of Common Prayer becomes mandatory in England on this day in history.
1552 2nd version of Book of Common Prayer becomes manditory in England on this day in history.
1556 Most deadly earthquake kills 830,000 in Shansi Province, China on January - 23.
1556 On this day in history most deadly earthquake kills 830,000 in Shensi Province, China
1556 Shaanxi earthquake in China killing 830,000 people on this day in history.
1570 On this day in history earl of Moray, regent of Scotland, assassinated; civil war breaks out
1571 Queen Elizabeth I opens Royal Exchange in London on this day in history.
1571 The Royal Exchange, in London, is founded on January - 23.
1574 On this day in history lucas I Franchoys, Belgian painter
1579 On January - 23 union of Utrecht signed, forming protestant Dutch Republic
1582 John Barclay, Scottish satirist/Latin poet (Argenis) on January - 23.
1622 William Baffin, British explorer, dies at about 38 on this day in history.
1631 France &Sweden sign anti-German Treaty of Bärwald on January - 23.
1631 On this day in history france & Sweden sign anti-German Treaty of Barwald
1637 On January - 23 dutch Governor Johan Mauritius lands in Pernambuco Brazil
1639 Francisco Maldonado da Silva Solis, Peruvian poet, burned at stake on this day in history.
1643 On this day in history sir Thomas Fairfax takes Leeds for the Parliamentarians
1643 Sir Thomas Fairfax takes Leeds for Parliamentarians on this day in history.
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