Historical Events In 1477
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 05 In the year 1477 battle at Nancy, Burgundy vs Switz, 7000+ killed
Jan 05 Battle at Nancy, Burgundy vs Switzerland, 7000+ killed on this day in history.
Jan 05 Battle at Nancy, Burgundy vs Switzerland,7000+ killed on this day in history.
Jan 05 Charles, the Bold, duke of Burgundy/writer, dies at 43 on this day in history.
Jan 25 On this day in history anna de Bretagne, wife of Maximilian of Austria & Louis XII
Apr 21 In the year 1477 maximilian of Habsburg marries Maria of Bourgondie at proxy
Jul 22 Adolf van Egmond, duke of Gelre/earl of Zutphen, dies in battle at 39 on this day in history.
Aug 19 Maximilian I, son of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III, weds Mary of on this day in history.
Nov 18 On this day in history 1st English printed book "Dictes & Sayengis of the Phylosophers"
Nov 18 The First English Printing press on this day in history.
Dec 11 On this day in history duchess Maria van Bourgondie ends Great Privilegie