Historical Events In 1520
Thursday, 27 March 2025
Jan 01 On this day in history franciscus Balduinus, [Francois Baudouin], lawyer
Jan 18 Christian II of Denmark & Norway defeats Swedes at Lake Asunde on this day in history.
Jan 18 Christian II of Denmark & Norway defeats the Swedes at Lake Asunde in the year 1520.
Jan 19 Sten Sture the Younger, the Regent of Sweden, was mortally wounded at the Battle of Bogesund in the year 1520.
Mar 01 On this day in history smallpox Epidemic in Mexico killing 5-8 million (40% of population) people
Apr 06 Raphael artist dies on his 37th birthday on this day in history.
Apr 06 Raphael [Sanzio], artist (Sistine Madonna), dies on his 37th birthday in the year 1520.
Jun 06 France & England sign treaty of Scotland in the year 1520.
Jun 15 In the year 1520 pope threatens to toss Luther out of Catholic Church
Jun 30 Montezuma II, the last Aztec emperor, killed on this day in history.
Jun 30 In the year 1520 spanish conquerors under Cortes take gold from Aztecs
Jul 10 King Charles V & King Henry VIII signs treaty of Calais on this day in history.
Jul 14 In the year 1520 battle of Otumba Mexico: Hernan Cortes & Tlascala's vs Aztecs
Aug 01 Sigismund II Augustus, King of Poland (1548-72) on this day in history.
Sep 13 In the year 1520 william Cecil 1st baron Burghley, English premier
Sep 21 Selam I Jawuz, the Barse, poet/cruel sultan of Turkey, dies on this day in history.
Sep 22 Selim I, captured Baghdad/Sultan of Turkey (1512-20), dies at 53 on this day in history.
Sep 30 In the year 1520 suleiman I succeeds his father Selam I as sultan of Turkey
Oct 07 On this day in history 1st public burning of books in Netherlands, in Louvain
Oct 15 King Henry VIII of England orders bowling lanes at Whitehall on this day in history.
Oct 21 Ferdinand Magellen arrives at Tierra Del Fuego (Pacific Ocean) in the year 1520.
Oct 21 Magellan entered the strait which bears his name on this day in history.
Oct 23 In the year 1520 king Carlos I crowned, German emperor Charles V
Oct 28 Pier Gerlofs Donia, Frisian pirate and freedom fighter in the year 1520.
Nov 04 On this day in history danish/Norwegian king Christian II crowned king of Sweden
Nov 08 Stockholm Bloodbath begins: A successful invasion of Sweden by Danish forces results in the execution of around 100 people on this day in history.
Nov 09 Swedish King Christian II executes 600 nobles in the year 1520.
Nov 20 In the year 1520 friesland hit by heavy hail storm
Nov 28 In the year 1520 ferdinand Magellan begins crossing Pacific Ocean
Dec 10 Martin Luther publicly burned papal edict demands he recant in the year 1520.