Historical Events In 1487
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 30 Bell chimes invented on this day in history.
Feb 14 On this day in history henry II of Bavaria, bishop of Utrecht/Worms/Freising
May 24 On this day in history imposter Lambert Simnel ceremony crowned as King Edward VI of Dublin
Jun 04 Lord Lovell & John de la Poles army land at Furness Lancashire in the year 1487.
Jun 16 On this day in history battle at Stoke: Henry VII beats John de la Pole & Lord Lovell
Jul 17 Esma'il I, shah who converted Iran from Sunni to Shi'ah on this day in history.
Jul 24 Citizens of Leeuwarden Neth rebel against ban on foreign beer in the year 1487.
Sep 10 In the year 1487 julius III, Counter-Reformation pope (1550-55)