Historical Events In 1567
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 04 On this day in history franciscus Aguilon, physicist/mathematician/jesuit/architect
Jan 08 Jacob Vaet, Flemish composer/royal chaplain master, dies at about 37 on this day in history.
Jan 15 On this day in history black Box, [Catherine Quinol], Guadeloupe, vocalist (Love Sensation)
Jan 26 Nicholas Wotton, English diplomat in the year 1567.
Feb 09 In the year 1567 henry Stuart, earl of Darnley/Consort of Mary Queen of Scots, murdered
Feb 10 Lord Darnley Stuart, husband of English queen Mary, murdered on this day in history.
Feb 12 In the year 1567 thomas Campion, England, composer/poet/physician
Mar 11 In the year 1567 geuzen army leaves Walcheren to return to Oosterweel
Mar 13 Battle at Oosterweel Spanish troops destroy Geuzenleger on this day in history.
Mar 13 In the year 1567 battle at Oosterweel: Spanish troops destroy Geuzenleger
Mar 31 Philip, the Generous, count of Hessen, dies at 62 in the year 1567.
Apr 11 In the year 1567 dutch prince William of Orange flees from Antwerp to Breda
Apr 18 Wilhelm von Grumbach, German military man, dies at 63 in the year 1567.
Apr 19 Michael Stifel, German theologist/mathematician, dies at about 79 on this day in history.
Apr 25 Aurelio Signoretti, composer on this day in history.
Apr 26 On this day in history nicolas Forme, composer
May 01 Michiel Jansz van Mierevelt, Dutch royal painter on this day in history.
May 02 In the year 1567 marin Drzic, Croatian playwright (Dundo Maroje), dies
May 03 On this day in history leonhard Paminger, composer, dies at 72
May 12 The birth of Claudio Monteverdi, Italian composer in the year 1567.
May 15 Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi, Cremona Italy, composer (L'Orfeo) in the year 1567.
May 15 On this day in history mary, Queen of Scots marries James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell
May 31 In the year 1567 pereguin de la Grange, French minister/martyr of Reform, dies
Jun 02 Shane O'Neill, Irish chieftain on this day in history.
Jun 15 Battle at Carberry Scot: Protestant troops beat Earl Bothwells army in the year 1567.
Jun 15 Jews are expelled from Genoa Italy on this day in history.
Jun 16 On this day in history mary Queen of Scots thrown into Lochleven Castle prison
Jun 16 On this day in history mary, Queen of Scots, imprisoned in Lochleven Castle prison Scotland
Jun 20 Don Henrique of Brazil, expel Jews on this day in history.
Jun 20 Jews are expelled from Brazil by order of regent Don Henrique on this day in history.
Jul 03 Samuel de Champlain, explorer (Lake Champlain) on this day in history.
Jul 24 On this day in history mary Queen of Scots is forced to abdicate & 1-year-old James VI becomes King of Scotland
Jul 25 On this day in history don Diego de Losada founds the city of Santiago de Leon de Caracas, modern-day Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela.
Jul 29 James VI is crowned King of Scotland at Stirling in the year 1567.
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