Historical Events In 1595
Friday, 21 February 2025
Jan 05 In the year 1595 ercole Procaccini, Italian painter, dies
Jan 16 In the year 1595 murad III, sultan of Turkey (1574-95), dies
Jan 17 On this day in history french king Henri IV declares war on Spain
Jan 28 Francis Drake, English pirate, Admiral and Governor of Newfoundland (Porto Bello West Indies), dies at 50 on this day in history.
Jan 29 William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet is probably first performed in the year 1595.
Jan 30 Shakespere's "Romeo and Juilet" was first performed on this day in history.
Feb 02 On this day in history jacob van Campen, painter/architect (New Church, Amsterdam)
Feb 20 In the year 1595 ernst, archduke of Austria, dies at 41
Feb 21 In the year 1595 robert Southwell, English Jesuit/poet, hanged
Feb 24 Matthias C Sarbiewski, [Sarbievius], Polish jesuit/poet in the year 1595.
Mar 04 In the year 1595 robert Southwell, English poet, hanged for becoming a Catholic priest
Apr 02 In the year 1595 cornelis de Houtman's ships depart to Asia through Cape of Good Hope
Apr 05 John Wilson, composer in the year 1595.
Apr 15 In the year 1595 willem I's daughter of Elisabeth of Nassau marries duke Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne of Broth
Apr 25 Torquato Tasso, Italian poet/playwright, dies at 51 in the year 1595.
May 02 King Philip II names Albrecht of Austria land guardian of Neth in the year 1595.
May 02 King Philip II names Albrecht of Austria land guardian of Netherlands on this day in history.
May 24 Nomenclator of Leiden University Library appears, the first printed catalog of an institutional library in the year 1595.
May 26 Philippus Nerius, [Filippo Neri], Italian merchant/saint, dies at 79 on this day in history.
May 27 In the year 1595 benedictus Carpzovius, [Benedikt Carpzov], German lawyer
Jun 19 In the year 1595 wladyslaw IV Vasa, king of Poland (1632-48)
Jul 09 Johannes Kepler inscribes geometric solid construction of universe in the year 1595.
Jul 21 In the year 1595 alvara Mendana discovers Marquesas Island
Aug 23 Michael the Brave confronts the Ottoman army in the Battle of Calugareni in the year 1595.
Aug 24 In the year 1595 thomas Digges, English astronomer (Universe Infinite), dies
Sep 17 In the year 1595 pope Clemens VIII recognizes Henri IV as king of France
Oct 02 In the year 1595 jacob Louys, Flemish engraver
Oct 09 The Spanish army captures Cambrai in the year 1595.
Oct 15 Abu al-Faiz ibn Mubarak Faizi, Persian-Dutch E indies poet, dies at 48 in the year 1595.
Oct 28 Battle at Giurgevo: Zsigmond Bathory of Transylvania beats Turks on this day in history.
Nov 08 In the year 1595 peter Opmeer, church historian/humanist, dies at 69
Nov 12 John Hawkins, English navigator/treasurer of the Navy, dies at 63 on this day in history.
Nov 27 In the year 1595 alessandro Algardi, Italian sculptor/architect
Dec 10 Reynier Cant, mayor of Amsterdam, dies at about 59 in the year 1595.
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