Historical Events In 1690
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 06 Emperor Leopold's son Jozef chosen Roman Catholic king on this day in history.
Jan 13 In the year 1690 gottfried Heinrich Stolzel, composer
Jan 14 Clarinet invented, in Nurnberg, Germany in the year 1690.
Jan 14 Clarinet is invented, in Nüremberg, Germany in the year 1690.
Jan 22 On this day in history iroquois tribes renew allegiance to British against French
Jan 22 On this day in history iroquois tribes renew allegiance to the English against the French
Feb 01 Francesco Maria Veracini, Italian opera composer in the year 1690.
Feb 03 In the year 1690 1st paper money in America issued (colony of Mass)
Feb 03 On this day in history the first paper money in America issued (colony of Massachusetts)
Feb 07 William Morice, English royalist statesman in the year 1690.
Feb 08 French & Indian troops set Schenectady settlement NY on fire in the year 1690.
Feb 08 French &Indian troops set Schenectady settlement New York on fire on this day in history.
Feb 08 Lord Halifax resigns as Lord Privy Seal on this day in history.
Feb 08 Louis de Buade et de Palluau, Comte de Frontenac 1622-1698 organizes attack by Mohawk natives and French troops against Schenectady; 60 people killed, 30 captured on this day in history.
Feb 21 Christoph Stoltzenberg, composer on this day in history.
Feb 22 On this day in history charles Le Brun, classical painter (Academie de Peinture), dies at 70
Feb 28 Aleksei P Romanov, Russia, son of Peter the Great on this day in history.
Mar 01 Conrad Johann Conrad Beissel, composer on this day in history.
Mar 16 In the year 1690 french king Louis XIV sends troops to Ireland
Mar 18 Charles, duke of Lutherans, dies on this day in history.
Mar 18 In the year 1690 christian Goldbach, German mathematician (Goldbach position)
Apr 12 Miguel Gomez Camargo, composer, dies at 71 on this day in history.
Apr 18 Charles V Leopold, Duke of Lotharingen/Austrian fieldmarshal, dies in the year 1690.
Apr 22 John Carteret, Earl Granville (C), English chief minister (1722-42) on this day in history.
Apr 25 On this day in history david Teniers the Younger, Flemish painter (Pictorium), dies at 79
Apr 25 In the year 1690 gottlieb Theophil Muffat, composer
May 11 In the year 1690 english troops of W Phips conquer Port Royal Nova Scotia
May 20 England passes Act of Grace, forgiving followers of James II in the year 1690.
May 21 On this day in history john Eliot, English missionary in Massachusetts, dies at 85
May 27 In the year 1690 giovanni Legrenzi, Italian composer, dies at 63
Jun 08 In the year 1690 siddi general Yadi Sakat, razes the Mazagon Fort in Mumbai.
Jun 11 On this day in history english king Willem III departs to Ireland
Jun 24 On this day in history king Willem III's army lands at Carrickfergus Ireland [OS=June 14]
Jun 30 Battle at Beachy Head: French under Tourville beat Neth/English fleet on this day in history.
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