Historical Events In 1706
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 17 Benjamin Franklin, Boston, kite flyer/statesman/wit/inventor on this day in history.
Jan 17 The birth of Benjamin Franklin, American statesman and scientist in the year 1706.
Jan 26 Guillaume Poitevin, composer, dies at 59 on this day in history.
Jan 28 John Baskerville, English printer (typeface inventor) on this day in history.
Feb 12 On this day in history josef Christian, German sculptor
Feb 13 On this day in history battle at Fraustadt Swedish army beats Russia/Saksen
Feb 13 In the year 1706 battle at Fraustadt: Swedish army beats Russia/Saksen
Feb 27 On this day in history john Evelyn, diarist, dies
Mar 03 Johann Pachelbel, organist/composer (Sterbens-Gedancken), dies at 52 in the year 1706.
Mar 08 Vienna's Wiener Stadtbank established on this day in history.
Mar 09 On this day in history johann Pachelbel, German organist/composer, dies at 52
Apr 19 In the year 1706 galenus Abrahamsz de Haen, Dutch baptist leader, dies
Apr 24 Giovanni Battista Martini, composer on this day in history.
Apr 29 Emperor Jozef I becomes monarch of Cologne/Bavaria on this day in history.
May 23 Battle of Ramillies-Marlborough defeats French; 17,000 killed in the year 1706.
Jun 10 John Dollond, owner of 1st patent for achromatic lens in the year 1706.
Jul 21 Pierre Lyonet, zoologist/cryptologist (Anatomy of Wilgehoutrups) on this day in history.
Sep 08 Romanus Weichlein, composer, dies at 53 in the year 1706.
Sep 20 In the year 1706 franz Habermann, composer
Sep 20 Pierre Verdier, composer, dies at 79 on this day in history.
Sep 21 On this day in history jacob Wilhelm Lustig, composer
Sep 24 Treaty of Altranstädt: Charles XII of Sweden & August II of Saksen on this day in history.
Oct 06 In the year 1706 pieter Steyn, Dutch grand pensionary (1749- )
Oct 18 Baldassare Galuppi, Italian composer (opera's buffa) on this day in history.
Oct 26 In the year 1706 andreas Werkmeister, composer, dies at 60
Nov 07 In the year 1706 carlo Cecere, composer
Nov 13 On this day in history godfried Schalcken, painter/etcher/engraver, dies
Nov 16 In the year 1706 cornelis Evertsen, mutineer/ltalian-admiral of Zeeland, dies at 64
Dec 09 Pedro II, king of Portugal (1683-1706), dies at 58 in the year 1706.
Dec 17 Chôtelet, la belle Emilie, French writer on this day in history.
Dec 28 Pierre Bayle, French theologist (History of Criticism), dies at 59 on this day in history.