Historical Events In 1736
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 07 In the year 1736 ceslav Vanura, composer, dies at 41
Jan 19 In the year 1736 james Watt, Scotland, inventor (steam engine)
Jan 19 The birth of James Watts, Scottish 'steam' inventor on this day in history.
Jan 25 In the year 1736 joseph-Louis Lagrange, Turin, Italy, mathematician and astronomer
Jan 26 Stanislaw Lesczynski flees Polish throne in the year 1736.
Jan 27 Abdication of Stanislas, last king of Poland on this day in history.
Feb 03 In the year 1736 johann Georg Albrechtsberger, Austria organist/composer
Feb 05 In the year 1736 methodists John & Charles Wesley arrive in Savannah, Georgia
Feb 05 Methodists John &Charles Wesley arrive in Savannah GA on this day in history.
Feb 12 Maria Theresa Habsburg marries French Stefanus (emperor François I) in the year 1736.
Feb 12 Maria Theresa Habsburg marries French Stefanus (emperor Francois I) on this day in history.
Feb 19 Georg F Handel's "Alexander's Feast," premieres in the year 1736.
Feb 29 Anna Lee, Manchester England, founder (Shaker movement in America) in the year 1736.
Feb 29 In the year 1736 the birth of Ann Lee, Founder of the American Society of Shakers
Feb 29 The birth of Gioacchino Rossini, Italian operatic composer in the year 1736.
Mar 16 Giovanni B Pergolesi, Italian composer (Stabat Mater), dies at 26 in the year 1736.
Mar 23 On this day in history iman Willem Falck, Dutch governor of Ceylon (1765-83)
Mar 25 In the year 1736 nicholas Hawksmoor, British architect
Mar 26 In the year 1736 georg Balthasar Schott, composer, dies at 49
Apr 08 Pedro Vaz Rego, composer, dies at 63 on this day in history.
Apr 21 Frans Eugenius, duke/prince of Savoye, dies at 72 on this day in history.
May 02 In the year 1736 albert Seba, Amsterdam pharmacist, dies at 71
May 07 On this day in history john Weldon, composer, dies at 60
May 24 Juan de Sesse y Balaguer, composer in the year 1736.
May 26 On this day in history battle of Ackia (La), British & Chickasaw Indians defeat French
May 26 In the year 1736 battle of Ackia (Louisiana), British & Chickasaw Indians defeat the French
May 29 Patrick Henry, US, patriot "Give me liberty or give me death" on this day in history.
Jun 05 In the year 1736 corneille F de Nelis, Flemish scholar/bishop of Antwerp
Jun 07 Karl Frieberth, composer in the year 1736.
Jun 13 Henryk Klein, composer on this day in history.
Jun 14 Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, physicist (formulated Coulomb's Law) in the year 1736.
Jun 14 The birth of Charles Coulomb, French electrical physicist in the year 1736.
Jul 16 On this day in history thomas Yalden, poet/fable writer, dies
Aug 15 Johann Christoph Kellner, composer on this day in history.
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