Historical Events In 1737
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 12 In the year 1737 brizio Petrucci, composer
Jan 19 Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Fr writer (Paul et Virgin) in the year 1737.
Jan 19 The birth of Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, French author on this day in history.
Jan 29 The birth of Thomas Paine, American writer on this day in history.
Jan 29 On this day in history thomas Paine, political essayist (Common Sense, Age of Reason)
Feb 20 On this day in history elizabeth Rowe, poet, dies
Feb 20 French minister of Finance, Chauvelin, resigns on this day in history.
Feb 28 Hercule Brehy, composer, dies at 63 on this day in history.
Mar 07 Guido Starhemberg, Austrian earl/fieldmarshal, dies at 79 on this day in history.
Mar 09 On this day in history josef Myslivecek, composer
Mar 12 On this day in history galileo's body moved to Church of Santa Croce in Florence, Italy
Mar 28 Francesco Zannetti, composer on this day in history.
Apr 04 Anthony van Heim installed as Dutch pension advisor in the year 1737.
Apr 10 Francois Giroust, composer in the year 1737.
Apr 19 In the year 1737 geert Reinders, Dutch cattle breeder/inoculation propagandist
Apr 27 Edward Gibson, England, historian (Decline & Fall of Roman Emp) in the year 1737.
May 03 Abraham Patras, gov-gen of East-Indies (1735-37), dies at 65 in the year 1737.
May 03 In the year 1737 friedrich Schwindl, composer
May 08 Edward Gibbon, England, historian (Decline & Fall of Roman Empire) on this day in history.
May 12 Cornelis van Alkemade, historian, dies at 83 in the year 1737.
May 23 Louis Francois Chambray, composer on this day in history.
Jul 02 On this day in history francois Leonard Rouwyzer, composer
Jul 09 In the year 1737 de' Medici, last Medici-grand duke of Toscane, dies
Jul 18 Battle at Banja Luka: Turkish army beats Austrians on this day in history.
Jul 31 In the year 1737 prince Frederick of Wales escapes English court
Aug 11 In the year 1737 joseph Nollekins, London, sculptor
Aug 14 Charles Hutton, mathematician in the year 1737.
Aug 19 Johann Georg Christoph Schetky, composer in the year 1737.
Sep 05 Johann Friedrich Gottlieb Beckmann, composer on this day in history.
Sep 07 Luigi Galvani, Italian anatomist/physicist on this day in history.
Sep 09 On this day in history the birth of Luigi Galvani, Italian physicist
Sep 14 Johann Michael Haydn, composer in the year 1737.
Sep 17 In the year 1737 georg-August University opens in Göttingen
Sep 19 On this day in history charles Carroll, signed Decl of Ind
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