Historical Events In 1742
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 06 Johann Georg Reinhardt, composer, dies on this day in history.
Jan 14 English astronomer Edmond Halley, discoverer of the comet now named after him, dies at age 85 in the year 1742.
Jan 15 In the year 1742 eugene Godecharle, composer
Jan 24 In the year 1742 german leaders elect Charles VII Albert Emperor
Jan 26 On this day in history johann Friedrich Ludwig Sievers, composer
Feb 01 Sardinia & Austria sign alliance on this day in history.
Feb 02 British Walpole government resigns on this day in history.
Feb 02 On this day in history british Walpole govt resigns
Feb 09 British ex-premier Walpole becomes earl of Orford in the year 1742.
Feb 16 Earl of Wilmington becomes British premier in the year 1742.
Feb 28 Willem J 's-Gravesande, Dutch physicist, dies at 53 in the year 1742.
Mar 04 Johann Heinrich Egli, composer on this day in history.
Mar 19 Zacharias H Alewijn, Dutch literary/poet on this day in history.
Apr 13 On this day in history george Frederic Handel's "Messiah" performed for 1st time (Dublin)
Apr 13 On this day in history giovanni Veneziano, composer, dies at 59
Apr 23 In the year 1742 mihael Omerza, composer, dies at 62
Apr 24 In the year 1742 roman Hoffstetter, composer
May 03 In the year 1742 jean-Baptiste Krumphultz, composer
May 08 Johann Baptist Krumpholtz, composer on this day in history.
May 11 Francesco Stradivari, Ital violin maker/son of Antonius, dies at 70 on this day in history.
May 14 In the year 1742 dominique Marie Valet, French RC/old-catholic bishop, dies at 64
May 17 Frederick great (Emperor of Prussia) beats Austrians on this day in history.
May 28 In the year 1742 1st indoor swimming pool opens (Goodman's Fields, London)
May 28 On this day in history the first indoor swimming pool opens (Goodman's Fields, London)
Jun 04 On this day in history quebec Quebec, Le Canada launched; first French warship built in Canada sails for Rochefort, France.
Jun 08 In the year 1742 omobono Stradivari, Italian violin maker/son of Antonius, dies at 62
Jun 09 On this day in history battle of Bloody Marsh-Spanish assault on Simons Island, Georgia
Jun 11 Benjamin Franklin invents his Franklin stove in the year 1742.
Jun 17 William Hooper, US attorney (signed Decl of Independence) in the year 1742.
Jun 22 Heinrich Gottfried Reichard, composer on this day in history.
Jun 26 In the year 1742 arthur Middleton, signer (Declaration of Independence)
Jun 28 In the year 1742 johann Joseph Ignaz Brentner, composer, dies at 52
Jul 01 Bohuslav Matej Czernohorsky, Czech monk/composer, dies at 58 in the year 1742.
Jul 01 Georg C Lichtenberg, German physicist/writer (types of Lichtenberg) on this day in history.
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