Historical Events In 1874
Tuesday, 04 March 2025
Jan 01 In the year 1874 hugo Leichtentritt, composer
Jan 01 New York City annexes the Bronx on this day in history.
Jan 04 On this day in history josef Suk, Czech violinist/composer (Asrael)
Jan 05 On this day in history joseph Erlanger, doctor (shock therapy-Nobel 1944)
Jan 05 The city of Winnipeg holds first civic election. Only 304 voters were registered, but 331 ballots are cast. go figure in the year 1874.
Jan 13 In the year 1874 battle between jobless & police in NYC, 100s injuried
Jan 13 Battle between jobless &police in New York City NY, 100s injured in the year 1874.
Jan 13 Imperial Russian Government issues second decree which amended the one of June 4, 1871. The second decree instituted compulsory military conscription for the German colonists. These two decrees impelled thousands of German Russians to immigrate to North and South America on this day in history.
Jan 13 Jozef E van Roey, Flemish cardinal/archbishop of Mechlin on this day in history.
Jan 13 US troops land in Honolulu to protect the king in the year 1874.
Jan 14 I D Shadd elected Speaker of lower house of Miss legislature in the year 1874.
Jan 14 Thornton Waldo Burgess, author (Peter Rabbit) on this day in history.
Jan 16 Robert Service, England, Canadian poet (Cremation of Sam McGee) on this day in history.
Jan 17 In the year 1874 armed Democrats seize Texas government ending Radical Reconstruction
Jan 17 On this day in history armed Democrats seize Texas govt ending Radical Reconstruction
Jan 17 In the year 1874 chang & Eng Bunker, Chinese/Thai Siamese twins, dies at 62
Jan 19 In the year 1874 h v Fallersleben, writer, dies at 75
Jan 21 Franz Grillparzer's "Libussa," premieres in Vienna on this day in history.
Jan 22 Liberal Alexander Mackenzie 1822-1892 defeats John A. Macdonald in the second Canadian general election, 138 seats to 67 in the year 1874.
Jan 22 In the year 1874 louis Riel 1844-1885 elected as the member of Parliament for Provencher in Manitoba. He will be prevented from taking his seat by a warrant for his arrest sworn in Ontario, for the murder of Thomas Scott.
Jan 22 Wincenty Witoz, Galicia, PM of Poland (1920-21, 1923, 1926) in the year 1874.
Jan 24 In the year 1874 arthur Schomburg (Arturo Alfonso), Puerto Rico, archivist of African American history and culture
Jan 24 Gen J van Swieten conquerors Kraton Atjeh, after 1000's die in the year 1874.
Jan 24 On this day in history general J van Swieten conquers Kraton Atjeh, after 1000's die
Jan 24 Mussorgsky's opera "Boris Godunov," premieres in St Petersburg Russia in the year 1874.
Jan 25 In the year 1874 hewlett Johnson, [Red Dean of Canterbury], English bishop
Jan 29 John David Rockefeller Jr, Cleveland Ohio, philanthropist in the year 1874.
Jan 31 On this day in history jesse James gang robs train at Gads Hill MO
Jan 31 Jesse James gang robs train at Gads Hill, Missouri in the year 1874.
Feb 01 On this day in history hugo von Hofmannsthal, Austria, poet/dramatist/essayist
Feb 03 In the year 1874 franklyn Dyall, Liverpool England, actor (Easy Virtue)
Feb 06 On this day in history milton Bennett Medary, US, architect (Washington Chapel)
Feb 08 David F Strauss, German theologist, dies at 66 on this day in history.
Feb 09 Amy Lowell, US poet/critic (Patterns, Sword Blades & Poppy Seed) in the year 1874.