Page 6: Historical Events In 1888
Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Jul 04 In the year 1888 theodor Storm, German judge/author (Schimmelreiter), dies at 70
Jul 06 On this day in history annette Kellerman, Sydney Australia, swimmer (Million Dollar Mermaid)
Jul 10 On this day in history giorgio De Chirico, Greece, Metaphysical painter (Soothsayer)
Jul 10 On this day in history rafael Hernando, composer, dies at 66
Jul 11 On this day in history 118ø F (48ø C), Bennett, Colorado (state record)
Jul 11 On this day in history 118°F (48°C), Bennett, Colorado (state record)
Jul 11 Carl Schmitt, German nazi-lawyer (Verfassungslehre) on this day in history.
Jul 11 On this day in history pennsylvania's Monongehela River rises 32' after 24 hour rainfall
Jul 12 Tojohiko Kagawa, Japan, Christian-social reformer (Grain of Wheat) on this day in history.
Jul 13 Fernando A N de Seabra Pessoa, Portuguese poet (Mensagem) in the year 1888.
Jul 15 Bandai volcano (Japan) erupts for 1st time in 1,000 years in the year 1888.
Jul 15 Bandai volcano (Japan) erupts for first time in 1,000 years in the year 1888.
Jul 16 In the year 1888 frits Zernike, invented phase-contrast microscope (Nobel 1953)
Jul 17 On this day in history shmuel Agnon, Israel, novelist (Day Before Yesterday-Nobel 1966)
Jul 18 Alexander Rosemeier, Indonesian/Dutch painter on this day in history.
Jul 19 On this day in history eugene Jungers, Belgian governor of Rwanda Urundi
Jul 20 On this day in history henri Braekeleer, Flemish painter, dies
Jul 21 On this day in history matthias J Scheeben, German theologist (Natur und Gnade), dies at 53
Jul 22 On this day in history raymond Chandler, Chic, mystery writer (Farewell My Lovely)
Jul 23 On this day in history gluyas Williams, SF, cartoonist (Fellows Citizen)
Jul 23 John Boyd Dunlop, applies to patent pneumatic tire in the year 1888.
Jul 23 The birth of Raymond Chandler, American author in the year 1888.
Jul 24 In the year 1888 arthur Richardson, Australian cricket batsman (20's)
Jul 26 In the year 1888 m Jouhandeau, writer
Jul 27 Philip Pratt unveils 1st electric automobile on this day in history.
Jul 29 In the year 1888 niles Welch, Hartford CT, actor (Cornered)
Jul 30 In the year 1888 raden Sutomo, Indonesian freedom fighter
Aug 01 Vito Frazzi, composer in the year 1888.
Aug 02 Oscar Rasbach, composer on this day in history.
Aug 04 Philip Greeley Clapp, composer in the year 1888.
Aug 05 Victor Francen, Belgium, actor (J'Acusse, San Antonio) on this day in history.
Aug 07 Patent for revolving door granted in the year 1888.
Aug 07 Theophilus Van Kannel of Phila patents revolving door in the year 1888.
Aug 08 Friedrich Wilhelm Jahns, composer, dies at 79 on this day in history.
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