Historical Events In 1670
Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Jan 03 George Monck, English general(-to the-sea), dies at 61 in the year 1670.
Jan 21 Honorat de Brueil seigneur de Racan, French playwright, dies at 80 in the year 1670.
Feb 06 Frederick III, King of Denmark and Norway, dies on this day in history.
Feb 09 Frederik III, King of Denmark/Norway (1648-70), dies at 60 on this day in history.
Feb 10 In the year 1670 norbert van Flowers, [Cephalus], Flemish painter
Feb 14 On this day in history georg Gabriel Schutz, composer
Feb 14 In the year 1670 roman Catholic emperor Leopold I chases Jews out of Vienna
Feb 17 France & Bavaria sign military assistance treaty in the year 1670.
Feb 27 Jews are expelled from Austria by order of Leopold I in the year 1670.
Feb 27 On this day in history jews expelled from Austria by order of Leopold I
Mar 23 In the year 1670 françois Dollier de Casson 1636-1701 claims Lake Erie territory for France
Apr 23 In the year 1670 loreto Vittori, composer, dies at 69
Apr 24 Christian Ludwig Boxberg, composer in the year 1670.
Apr 29 Pope Clemens X elected in the year 1670.
May 02 In the year 1670 king Charles II charters Hudson Bay Company
May 12 On this day in history august II, the Strong One, King of Poland (355 children)
May 24 In the year 1670 ferdinand II, ruler of Toscane, dies at 59
Jun 01 On this day in history engl king Charles II & Fr king Louis XIV sign anti-Dutch treaty
Jul 18 On this day in history giovanni Battista Bononcini, Italian (opera)composer
Jul 25 Austrian Emperor Leopold I expels 4,000 Jews from Vienna in the year 1670.
Jul 25 In the year 1670 jews are expelled from Vienna Austria
Oct 01 On this day in history -4] Battle at Simbirsk a/d Wolga: Russian army beats Boers
Nov 10 Geory Horn, [Hornius], theologist/historian, dies at about 50 in the year 1670.
Nov 15 Jan A Comenius, [Komensky], Czech/Neth educator/philosopher, dies in the year 1670.
Nov 28 Pierre Corneille's "Tite et Berenice," premieres in Paris in the year 1670.
Dec 16 Dorothy, 1st English marquis of Halifax, dies on this day in history.
Dec 31 In the year 1670 france & England sign Boyne-treaty