Page 8: Historical Events In 1942
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
Mar 28 On this day in history -29] 234 RAF bombers attack Lubeck
Mar 28 234 RAF bombers attack Lübeck on this day in history.
Mar 28 On this day in history british naval forces raid Nazi occupied French port of St Nazaire
Mar 28 Herman A van Karnebeek, Dutch foreign minister (1918-27), dies at 67 in the year 1942.
Mar 29 British cruiser Trinidad torpedoes itself in the Barents Sea on this day in history.
Mar 29 On this day in history german submarine U-585 sinks
Mar 30 On this day in history 1st RSHA-transport from France arrives in camp Birkenau
Mar 30 In the year 1942 alfred Coville, French historian (Lesson premier Valois), dies at 81
Mar 30 On this day in history sS murders 200 inmates of Trawniki labor camp
Mar 30 In the year 1942 the first RSHA-transport from France arrives in camp Birkenau
Mar 30 World War II food rationing introduced in Australia for tea, sugar and butter on this day in history.
Apr 01 On this day in history allied air raid on harbor city Kupang Timor
Apr 01 Department of Munitions & Supply puts gasoline on coupon rationing; national speed limit of 64 km an hour proclaimed on this day in history.
Apr 01 First Naval Air Transportation Service (NATS) squadron for Pacific operations commissioned on this day in history.
Apr 03 On this day in history aDM Nimitz named Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas, a joint command, and retained his other title, Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet
Apr 03 On this day in history albert Siklos, composer, dies at 63
Apr 04 RCAF Squadron Leader L.J. Birchall spots Japanese fleet heading for Ceylon; alerts naval base and averts disaster for the British Fleet and a second Pearl Harbour on this day in history.
Apr 05 In the year 1942 hMS CORNWALL And HMS DORSETSHIRE sunk in the Indian Ocean south west of Ceylon by Japanese carrier divebombers, 190 men lost from 'Cornwall', 234 from 'Dorsetshire'
Apr 05 HMS TENEDOS sunk in harbour at Colombo, Ceylon - by Japanese carrier bombers on this day in history.
Apr 06 General Andrew G.L. (Andy) McNaughton forms the First Canadian Army in Britain with five divisions, two armored brigades, and 3 other divisions slated for home defence on this day in history.
Apr 06 In the year 1942 k Reinmuth discovers asteroid #2249 Yamamoto
Apr 07 On this day in history heavy German assault on Malta
Apr 08 A Schoenberg & Tudor's ballet "Pillar of Fire," premieres in NYC in the year 1942.
Apr 08 In the year 1942 alfred Mombert, writer, dies
Apr 09 Battle of Bataan-US-Filipino forces overwhelmed by Japs at Bataan on this day in history.
Apr 09 HMS HERMES sunk in the Indian Ocean off south east coast of Ceylon by Japanese carrier dive-bombers in the year 1942.
Apr 10 Cigarettes & candy rationed in Holland on this day in history.
Apr 10 Japanese capture Bataan and 36,000 troops on this day in history.
Apr 11 In the year 1942 distinguished Service Medal for Merchant Marines authorized
Apr 12 9th Golf Masters Championship: Byron Nelson wins, shooting a 280 in the year 1942.
Apr 12 On this day in history johannes E Akkeringa, Dutch painter/etcher, dies at 80
Apr 13 Henk Sneevliet, leader of Dutch RSAP/Spartacus, executed at 58 on this day in history.
Apr 13 RCAF's 417 Fighter Squadron heads for Egypt to join Desert Air Force in the year 1942.
Apr 14 In the year 1942 destroyer Roper sinks German U-85 of US east coast
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