Page 4: Historical Events In 1944
Friday, 14 March 2025
Feb 20 In the year 1944 u.S. warplanes begin bombing German manufacturing plants during WWII.
Feb 20 On this day in history uS takes Eniwetok Island
Feb 21 On this day in history "The War As It Happens" news show premieres on NBC (NYC only)
Feb 21 In the year 1944 "War As It Happens" news show premieres on NBC TV (NYC only)
Feb 22 US 8th Air Force bombs Enschede, Arnhem & Nijmegen by mistake/800+ die on this day in history.
Feb 23 In the year 1944 forced deportation of the Chechen and Ingush people to Central Asia.
Feb 23 Leo Hendrick Baekeland, inventor (Bakelite), dies on this day in history.
Feb 24 Argentina coup by Juan Peron minister of war on this day in history.
Feb 24 On this day in history leo H A Baekeland, Belgian/US chemist (bakeliet), dies at 80
Feb 24 The first detection of a submerged enemy submarine by the use of MAD gear was made by Catalinas of VP-63, on a MAD barrier patrol of the approaches to the Strait of Gibraltar. They attacked the U-761 on this day in history.
Feb 25 US 1st Army completes invasion plan on this day in history.
Feb 25 On this day in history uS first Army completes invasion plan
Feb 26 1st female US navy captain, Sue Dauser of nurse corps, appointed on this day in history.
Feb 26 First female US navy captain, Sue Dauser of nurse corps, appointed on this day in history.
Feb 28 The birth of Bernadette Peters, Actress in the year 1944.
Feb 29 5 leaders of Indonesia Communist Party sentenced to death in the year 1944.
Feb 29 On this day in history david Briggs, record producer
Feb 29 On this day in history uS troop land on Los Negros, Admirality Islands
Mar 01 ... Formans, director Milos Formans mother, dies in Auschwitz on this day in history.
Mar 01 In the year 1944 massive strikes in Northern Italian towns
Mar 01 On this day in history the Canadian government ends meat rationing.
Mar 01 In the year 1944 u-358 sinks in Atlantic
Mar 02 16th Academy Awards in the year 1944.
Mar 02 16th Academy Awards "Casablanca", Jennifer Jones &Paul Lukas win on this day in history.
Mar 02 16th Academy Awards: "Casablanca", Jennifer Jones &Paul Lukas win in the year 1944.
Mar 02 In the year 1944 fumes from locomotive stalled in a tunnel suffocates 521 in Italy
Mar 03 The first performance of corporal Samuel Barber's 2nd Symphony on this day in history.
Mar 04 Anti-Germany strikes in North Italy in the year 1944.
Mar 04 First US bombing of Berlin on this day in history.
Mar 05 1st performance of Walter Piston's 2nd Symphony in the year 1944.
Mar 05 Max Jacob, French writer, dies in nazi concentration camp at 67 on this day in history.
Mar 06 US planes bomb Berlin for the first time during WWII on this day in history.
Mar 06 In the year 1944 uSAF begins daylight bombing of Berlin
Mar 07 On this day in history german assault on Tito's hideout in Drvar Bosnia
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